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Annotated Bibliography on End of Life Issues (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
the task was to find related bibliographies on end of life issues and thus the sample is on different bibliographies that discuss and address the issue of patients assisted death by their physicians.
End of Life Issues
Annotated Bibliography on End of Life Issues
Qualls, S. H., & Kasl-Godley, J. E. (2011). End-of-life issues, grief, and bereavement: What clinicians need to know. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons.
Qualls and Kasl-Godley have been able to bring out a notable team of contributors from international in order to produce a clear structure of framework for mental health professionals in developing the competencies needed. They discuss the end of life issues that are critical and life limiting to patients and in order to meet such needs it’s difficult and challenging.
Youngner, S. J., & Kimsma, G. K. (2011). Physician-assisted death in perspective: Assessing the Dutch experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
This book provides a comprehensive report and analysis of the euthanasia experiences of the Dutch over the last three decades. Leading Dutch clinicians and the scholars have participated in the writing of this book. Physicians thus participate in the assisted death of their patients and thus this book explains and gives real examples that took place.
Werth, J. L., & Blevins, D. (2006). Psychosocial issues near the end of life: A resource for professional care providers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
This book examines how policy and practice can be informed by social science in the life ending
debate issue. Ethical and moral concerns are not considered in this book since they are not part of science but others are up for scientific study, like the question on whether or not untreated pain leads to the requests for assisted suicide.
Pizzo, P. A. (2015). The Doctor: for life and at the end of life. Annals of internal medicine, 162(3), 228-229.
This article provides a discussion on the death approach changes that are needed in patients who are approaching their death. Pizzo insists to doctors that they should participate and stay put and not to abandon their patients during this critical time in the palliative or hospice care programs. The topics discussed in this article include the end of life care, terminally ill and many more.
Nelson-Becker, H., Ai, A. L., Hopp, F. P., McCormick, T. R., Schlueter, J. O., & Camp, J. K. (2015). Spirituality and religion in end-of-life care ethics: the challenge of interfaith and cross-generational matters. British Journal of Social Work, 45(1), 104-119.
This article discusses and provides real life social work cases in the medical clinic that draw spirituality and religion with the health care professional and the terminally ill patients. It promotes aging of the ill patients instead of taking part in the assisted suicide and involving the doctors or physicians. Thus religion and spirituality can be used appropriately as a coping mechanism for such issues.
Gomez, J. H. (2006). A will to live: Clear answers on end of life issues. Irving, Tex: Basilica Press.
This book by Archbishop Gomez provides an insight on how to survive and live with the illness despite the pain and suffering one can make it and survive. It thus discourages and doesn’t advocate for euthanasia. It considers it a murder, it explains the real culture of life what it means and the type of medical practices that are morally wrong.
Jackson, E., & Keown, J. (2012). Debating euthanasia. Oxford, U.K: Hart.
In this book Jackson and Keown argue that it is important to ensure that everyone receives a good health and thus in case of pain and suffering it should be made sure that ill suffering patients if they request should be assisted in their suicide as it is their right.
Evers, M. M., Purohit, D., Perl, D., Khan, K., & Marin, D. B. (2014). Palliative and aggressive end-of-life care for patients with dementia.
This article provides a study in the end of life issues where by it measures the palliative and aggressive treatment frequency among patients with or without dementia in their last five months of life. It also determines whether or not the treatment patterns have changed over time with the increased reported cases in the medical field.
Bossaert, L., Perkins, G. D., Askitopoulou, H., Raffay, V. I., Greif, R., Haywood, K. L., ... & Xanthos, T. T. (2015). European resuscitation council guidelines for resuscitation 2015 section 11 the ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions. Resuscitation, 95, 301-10.
This article provides to the readers a well and explained change over the past years in the medical field from the traditional medical-centered approach to the now modern approach of patient-centered, where by the patient is in full control of their health decisions and physicians assist them when needed appropriately.
Frank, A. W. (2015). Asking the right question about pain: narrative and phronesis. British Journal of Pain, 9(1), 209-225.
Frank discusses and provides for his readers the answers to the most asked question on the end of life issue. Some of the questions that he addresses are how physicians can assist to reduce pain in patients either those with disability, aging, or illness? He uses a clinical, personal and scholarly ideal of thinking in which he answers these questions.
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