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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Annotated Bibliography
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Mental Health of Homeless Youth (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


THE ATTACHED SAMPLE IS ABOUT AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MENTAL HEALTH FOCUSING ON HOW HOMELESSNESS IMPACTS MENTAL HEALTH IN YOUTH. the task aimed at choosing appropriate articles that have relevant content about the topic. the articles were supposed to be not more THAN five years since their publication. they were to be used in writing the final RESEARCH paper.


Mental Health of Homeless Youth: An Annotated Bibliography
Mental Health of Homeless Youth: An Annotated Bibliography
Russell, M., Soong, W., Nicholls, C., Griffiths, J., Curtis, K., Follett, D., ... & Waters, F. (2021). Homelessness youth and mental health service utilization: A long‐term follow‐up study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 15(3), 563-568.
This article by Rusell et al., (2021) examines the profile of mental health services for young individuals affected by homelessness and mental health problems. The authors came up with the study to bring out a complete picture of the long-term effects of homelessness amongst youths grappling with mental health issues. It answers questions about homelessness as a key predictor of readmissions of homeless youths with mental health problems. The authors conducted a retrospective analysis using medical records of 32 non-homeless and 29 homeless youths who sought medical services at the YouthLink specialist in 2010. Their mental health service admission pattern was tracked in the past decade. The study employed regression analysis to determine possible factors that contribute to the re-admissions of youths with mental health problems. The results of the study indicated that homeless youth frequented outpatient, emergency departments, and inpatient mental services for conditions related to mental health. Also, homeless youth were 10 times more likely to seek readmission for mental health concerns.
The article scores highly in revealing how homelessness worsens mental health conditions amongst homeless youth. It succeeds in explaining that having a home is a parameter that fosters mental stability among youths. The article also reveals that homeless youth with mental instability led to readmissions. This clearly shows that the homeless status worsens the mental conditions of the youth, hence hindering mental healing.
The article will be useful in explaining how homelessness exacerbates the mental conditions of youth. The final report will rely on this article in concluding that homelessness is a probable predictor of re-admissions.
Tyler, K. A., & Schmitz, R. M. (2018). Child abuse, mental health and sleeping arrangements among homeless youth: Links to physical and sexual street victimization. Children and youth services review, 95, 327-333.
This article by Tyler and Schmitz (2018) spotlights how physical safety is a key issue among youth that are homeless. It explains how the homeless youth struggle to acquire basic needs and permanent residence. The authors scrutinized various levels of both distal and proximal risk factors at multiple levels. They include but are not limited to family (for instance, child abuse), individual (for instance, mental health), and environmental levels (for instance, finding life necessities). The authors associated these factors with sexual and street victimization among 140 homeless youth in Midwest. The authors used path analysis and found out that youth’s physical abuse is directly linked to depressive symptoms, physical victimization in the street, anxiety, and necessity location. Youth sexual abuse was positively linked with sexual victimization in the streets. Also, sleeping at specific locations for instance in a car or violence shelter lessens sexual street victimizations.
The article is handy for it succeeds in explaining the vulnerability of homeless youth to sexual abuse. It also contributes to explaining that sexual abuse is among the leading causes of mental problems among homeless youth who spend on the streets. Another key takeaway is that the location where the youths sleep determines their level of vulnerability to sexual abuse. For instance, those who sleep in violence shelters are less vulnerable compared to those who sleep on the streets. The article will help explain sexual abuse among homeless youths as one of the leading causes of mental health problems. I will use the article to recommend the need to relocate the youths to violence shelters to help them evade sexual vulnerability in the streets.
Wang, J. Z., Mott, S., Magwood, O., Mathew, C., Mclellan, A., Kpade, V., ... & Andermann, A. (2019). The impact of interventions for youth experiencing homelessness on housing, mental health, substance use, and family cohesion: a systematic review. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-22.
In this article Wang et al., (2019) describe how youth encounter unique channels into homelessness. The pathways include child neglect and abuse and family conflict. The authors pinpoint that most studies focus on adult homelessness ignoring homeless youth who have special needs and require special interventions. The article delved into tabling remedies for youth and their effect on social, health, and equity outcomes. The authors proposed various interventions. They include case management, skill-building, family therapies, and structural interventions. Their study indicated that cognitive-behavioral therapy reduces substance abuse and depression. Housing as a structural remedy led to an improvement in housing stability. The article concludes that youth pathways are unique hence treatment and prevention may benefit from a flexible and tailored approach.
The article is more reliable because it uses medical-related databases to carry out a s

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