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Trauma Focused Psychology (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


the instruction included doing a research on online libraries and identifying ten sources relating to Trauma Focused Psychology. then in APA format, write annotated bibliography of the ten sources and the summary stating what the article mainly talk about. the sources should be peer reviewed or from a reputable webpage or journal.


Trauma Focused Psychology
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Andermann, L. (2002). Cultural Aspects of Trauma. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 19-21.The article review recent literature and research on the identification, treatment, and diagnosis of psychological trauma and trauma related illnesses in different cultures. The author also explores impacts of culture on the expression of symptoms and methods of communicating psychological ache.Black, P. J., Woodworth, M., Tremblay, M., & Carpenter, T. (2012). A Review of Trauma-Informed Treatment for Adolescents. Canadian psychology, 53(3):192-203. DOI: 10.1037/a0028441.The article gives a summary of the main trauma informed therapies that are presently available for treating with posttraumatic stress disorder or trauma related symptoms, and the healing techniques that are shared to all of these main treatments. The authors provide recommendation concerning trauma-informed treatments that may be helpful to use with youths. When treatment that are specifically considered for youths are implemented, trauma related symptoms and potential exposure to trauma will reduce and there will be an improvement in life functioning.Bonanno, G. A., Pat-Horenczyk, R., & Noll, J. (2011). Coping Flexibility and Trauma:The Perceived Ability to Cope With Trauma (PACT) Scale. American Psychological Association, 1-13.The article highlights the theories about coping with possible trauma. The theories stresses on the importance of concentrated focus on processing the traumatic event. Although, experiential evidence proposes that it might be healthy to distract yourself, remain optimistic, and focus on moving past the event. These inconsistent perspectives are combined in the idea of coping flexibility. The article creates a single flexibility score, which represent the ability to use the two types of coping.
Cameron, A. (2019). Trauma-Focused Presence. Journal of Humanistic Psychology,
The article captures and illuminates a trauma-focused presence in psychotherapy treatment. The articles objective is to highlight an integrative approach that centers on the trauma survivor’s battle with limitation and freedom. The constrictive and expansive tendencies of many traumatized patients are demonstrated, focusing on the polarized positions that patients present. Man factors of evidence-based therapeutic relationships that guide therapist engagement and stance efforts are explored. The trauma therapist mainly stand-in engagement and make path ways for an assortment of therapeutic interventions that are congruent with the patient’s theory of change and take shape organically. The author notes that developing interpersonal and intrapersonal presence are primary focal point that connect with the importance of interactive and personal processes in successful psychotherapy outcome research.
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2014). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services. Rockville: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
The article talks about trauma informed care, which involves a wide understanding of traumatic stress reactions and common responses to trauma. Therapists need to comprehend how trauma impact treatment engagement, presentation, and the outcome of behavioral health service

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