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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Assignment (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
the main task was to provide a bibliography for vipwriters website.The work was highly graded by her professor
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Ericka E. Castillo
Regent University
February 27, 2016
Hertler, S. C. (7 August 2013 ). Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: Reviewing the Specificity and Sensitivity of DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria.
This document similarly shows the condition as an axiomatic Axis II resulting in distinct cognitive and behavioral patterns such as being perfectionists, miserly and stubborn among others. Hertler is a qualified psychologist and a teacher on the same at New Rochelle College.Based on this source, the major problem facing diagnosis is the lack of specificity due to the existence of several types of the same and vast population. These problems are the major barriers to clinical understanding and analysis of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.
Starcevic, V., & Brakoulias, V. (2014). New diagnostic perspectives on obsessive-compulsive
personality disorder and its links with other conditions. Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
This document addresses obsessive-compulsive personality disorder to occur mainly in the general population, despite age and gender. The recent conceptualization of the disorder, though different from most of other researchers, is that there are specific core features and diagnostic criteria of the latter as opposed to other authors who view diagnostic features to be optional. The stand of the author is that obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is related to other obsessive-compulsive disorder conditions concerning symptoms and causes. The material is well detailed and exhaustive.
Garijo, P. J., Villamón, E. S., Alba, M. A., & Ruipérez, A. (2013). Personality Disorders in
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Comparative Study versus Other Anxiety Disorders. Hindawi Publishing Corporation The ScientificWorld Journal Volume 2013, Article ID 856846, 7 pages
The study reveals that obsessive-compulsive patients exhibit pathology in Axis II to a higher degree as compared to the non-obsessive-Compulsive Disorder individuals. Mostly, the exhibited Obsessive personal disorders are related to cluster C, a case similar to other anxiety disorders individuals.
However, the document does not exhaust on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder personal characteristics on both normal and pathological levels. The latter would be helpful in discerning and confirm any potential link and continuity between Obsessive-Compulsive and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. On the other hand, the writers’ point of view has no conflicts with most of the approved existing knowledge.
Samuel D. B., Riddell A. D. B., Lynam D. R., Miller J. D., & Widiger T. A.(2012). A five-factor
measure of obsessive-compulsive personality traits. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, 456-465.
The source addresses one of the latest discovered obsessive–compulsive personality disorder traits measure, the Five-Factor Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory (FFOCI), developed from the Five-factor model (FFM). The various employed scales provided linked correlations between FFM and obsessive–compulsive personality disorder.
The latter forms an obsessive–compulsive symptomatology comprehensive measure. The argument and finds based on this source evidently support the geniuses of use of FFOCI to measure both FFM maladaptive variants and obsessive–compulsive personality characteristics.
Seedat S., & Stein D. J. (2002). Hoarding in obsessive-compulsive disorder and related
disorders: A preliminary report of 15 cases. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 56, 17-23.
This study focuses on phenomenology, psychopathology and demographics and how the three are related to hoarding behavior. The study sample revealed the primary cause of hoarding as fear of losing valuable items, which was persistent among the adolescents and the adults. Among the some, some fell under DSM-IV criteria, OCPD for behavior and symptoms, putative OCD spectrum disorder while the rest portrayed zero hoarding control.
The study revealed Pathological hoarding; a chronic trait often results to distress hence it is highly linked to OCPD. However, hoarding can manifest in other psychiatric conditions. I hence agree with the document that though several behavioral treatments solutions are available, that of hoarding remains a challenge.
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