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5 pages/≈1375 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
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How the Two Articles Support the Nursing Issue in Question (Article Critique Sample)


The assignment involved identifying two qualitative research articles and critiguing them based on their strengths and weakness. The nursing issue given by the client was on managing pressure ulcers in older patients. the critique covered areas such as relevance to the issue, ethcial considerations, method of study, and the results.


How the Two Articles Support the Nursing Issue in Question
Background of Study
The first article analyzes nurses' experiences in caring for patients with pressure ulcers (Lindhardt et al., 2020). The paper used a qualitative approach for research and focused on interviewing different nurses working with older patients. Prevention interventions are effective when every stakeholder involved is aware and actively participates in their role (AHQR, 2021). The article looks into different nurses’ experiences in caring for pressure ulcer patients and how such occurrences affected their ability to participate in intervention measures effectively. Ultimately, information from the paper further proves that more research and new intervention measures are necessary for better results in pressure ulcer prevention.
In the second article, the authors focus on the effect of nutrition on older patients aged seventy years and above suffering from pressure ulcers (Eglseer et al., 2018). Moreover, the study concentrates on determining whether the added protein and foods offer extra energy benefit ulcer healing. Information obtained from the paper is necessary since more effective prevention interventions can be established through modifying the diets for people at risk or those suffering from pressure ulcers. The PICOT question that this essay analyzes is: In admitted patients (P), does the implementation and adherence to pressure relieving protocols (I) compared to the absence of these interventions (C) reduce incidences of pressure ulcers (O) within 12 months? (T).
How the Two Articles Support the Nursing Issue in Question
Both articles prove that more effort is required to prevent pressure ulcers, especially in older patients. According to Roberts et al. (2016, pg2), nurses’ perception of any prevention intervention is as important as other factors when implementing effective measures. The two articles further broaden the perspective on implementing any prevention intervention and researching what works to help control pressure ulcers. Furthermore, the papers offer insight into the different aspects that make up a quality prevention intervention. Two of such factors include patients’ awareness and willingness to participate in the prevention and the number of resources and perception of the health care workers in dealing with pressure ulcers (Ebi et al., 2019). The aftermath of developing pressure ulcers ultimately leads to a reduction in quality of life (Lavallee et al., 2018). Therefore, analyzing the effectiveness of prevention interventions from all angles is necessary to eliminate such occurrences effectively.
The two papers use varied comparison groups. The first article focuses on different nurses' experiences in dealing with pressure care patients who are advanced in age. On the other hand, the second article researched the necessary nutritional improvements required of patients with pressure ulcers to facilitate quick recovery. They cause severe pain and eventually lead to tissue necrosis and not heal and can result in death. As a result, adequate nutritional intake is one of the interventions for promoting healing. For some reason, this specific intervention seems to be neglected by nurses who put their patients’ lives in danger. Proper nutrition intake is crucial for wound healing.

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