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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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Journal Article Critique Health, Medicine, Nursing Article Critique (Article Critique Sample)


client requested me to read through a research papers and offer my comments based on the research techniques used in the study.


Journal Article Critique
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Journal Article Critique
Most people who are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in the United States are repeat offenders. As a result, many research studies have been conducted to find out specific factors affecting DUI recidivism. However, most of the studies have focused on the drinking habits as well as drinking-related problems of the repeat offenders leaving specific research gaps. Miller & Fillmore's (2014) research study sought to bridge this gap by establishing the role of alcohol-related cognition on the development and escalation of alcohol use.
Using Cognitive and Emotional Preoccupation scale (CEP), the researchers established whether temptation to drink as well as attentional bias influence the initiation and escalation of drinking using three groups of participants of size 20. The first group comprised of recidivists DUI offenders who have been convicted at least twice. 

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