Reviewing an article on management Management Article Critique (Article Critique Sample)
reviewing an article on management
Customer Relationship Management
Student’s Name
Customer Relationship Management.
Customer relationship management is the practices, the type of technologies and strategies that corporations use to manage, control and analyze the interactions of customers and data with the aim of boosting business relationship with customers, improving retention and improving sales. Organizations can enhance their business by making correct interpretations on customer relationships through understanding consumer behavior. Knowledge of using new media to assist customer satisfaction and retention.
Important findings of the articles
According to Wägar et al. (2012), suggest to counteract the effects of blind spots, it's important that managers measure the correct constructs correctly. Learning about a customer's actual actions, intentions and attitudes are important. Service providers should understand that blind spots exist and need continuous information acquisition and organizational learning. According to Hennig-Thurau et al. (2012) people in marketing should develop strategies which enable the customers and buyers to find the products and increase price transparency easily.
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