Weight lose Health, Medicine, Nursing Article Essay (Article Sample)
Discuss ways in which you can cut down weight fast.
source..4 Ways to Reduce Weight Fast
There are several ways to lose weight fast. However, a good number of them make a person hungry and unsatisfied. Lack of strong willpower causes a person to stop implementing on these ways quickly. The ways given below will: reduce an individual appetite, make an individual lose weight faster without hunger and increase metabolic health.
Below are 4 easy ways to lose weight quickly.
1. Reduce Sugar and Starches intake.
Reducing intake of starches and sugars (carbs) is of great importance. This decrease hunger level and you end up eating much fewer calories. The body will now start breaking down stored fats for energy instead of carbs. Cutting carbs also reduces insulin level, making the kidney to release excess sodium and water from the body. This lowers bloat and unnecessary water weight
2. Munch on Mineral-rich Foods.
To counterbalance sodium; eat food rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Examples of foods that are rich in potassium: include green vegetables and most orange foods such as carrots, bananas, tomatoes, and oranges. Foods that are rich in calcium include: green vegetables, milk and cheese. The ones rich in magnesium: include meat and green vegetables. These foods provide a person with a bloat-busting boost. Nuts, seeds and low fat dairy can also help a person to lower bloat. They also have additional advantage of lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar level and lowering risk of chronic diseases.
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