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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Book Review
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Literature review NUR3165 Literature Review QEP Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a minimum of five current nursing research publications on an approved research problem. The goal is to be able to differentiate research from other types of publications, with a focus on qualitative and quantitative research. Your professor will provide you with a rubric by which your work will be evaluated. Introductory paragraph Introduce your problem statement and the research question you are exploring. What do you set out to do in this paper? Give the reader a brief preview of your paper. The problem statement should be supported well by evidence. The databases and concepts used for the search should also be provided. Research: Summary of Findings In this section you will summarize a minimum of five current articles which address your research question. Summarize major findings of each article under each major heading. Cite all your sources, using a minimal number of direct quotes. Analysis This is the section where you analyze the articles. Critically synthesize these works in an organized manner, pointing out their similarities and differences. Conclusion Summarize the most important points from your paper. Draw any final conclusions about the topic. Reflection (Book Review Sample)

NUR3165 Literature Review QEP Assignment This assignment aims to investigate at least five current nursing research publications on an approved research problem. The goal is to be able to differentiate research from other types of publications, with a focus on qualitative and quantitative research. Your professor will provide you with a rubric by which your work will be evaluated. Introductory paragraph Introduce your problem statement and the research question you are exploring. What do you set out to do in this paper? Give the reader a brief preview of your paper. The problem statement should be supported well by evidence. The databases and concepts used for the search should also be provided. Research: Summary of Findings In this section,, you will summarize at least five current articles addressing your research question. Summarize significant findings of each article under each major heading. Cite all your sources, using a minimal number of direct quotes. Analysis This is the section where you analyze the articles. Critically synthesize these works in an organized manner, pointing out their similarities and differences. Conclusion Summarize the most essential points from your paper. Draw any conclusions about the topic. Reflection source..
Literature Review on Preventing Medication Errors Name Course Professor Institution Date Literature Review on Preventing Medication Errors Medication errors are any preventable acts that occur during administration and contribute to a lack of proper use of medication in the patient management process, which results in maltreatment for the patient that can lead to disability or even death. They account for various preventable harms, attributing to about 6-12% of healthcare admission and 2 in every 1000 deaths in a hospital, making it a severe public health problem (Escrivá Gracia et al., 2019). Ensuring patients receive accurate medication ensures patient safety and prevents health-related disorders. Medication errors range from 32.1% to 94%, with medication errors caused by general practitioners accounting for 39%, nurses 38%, and pharmacies 23% (Salar et al., 2020). The inclusion criteria for the articles included all peer-reviewed articles, five years old, English language, and were either qualitative or quantitative studies related to the study. The database used in the study included Embase, Medline, and PubMed. Keywords searched were "medication errors”, “medication administration”, “adverse events”, “qualitative research”, “quantitative research”, and “prevention strategies”. After searching, five articles that were peer-reviewed and were best fitting were selected. The articles selected comprised qualitative and quantitative research on preventing medication errors in a healthcare system. The research question being discussed and researched is; “in a healthcare center, what are some of the effective measures that can lead to reduced medication errors?” This literature review aims to identify research related to the phenomenon, provide a summary of findings, analysis, and reflection from the empirical studies. Methods (Summary of Findings) Data collection plays a vital role in enhancing the development of practical and logical research. A researcher is guided by the nature of the problem, variables, and the decided approach when choosing the methods and data collection instruments in research. In the quantitative study by Tsegaye et al. (2020), what are the associated factors contributing to medication errors among nurses? The researcher used an institution-based cross-sectional study design, and 422 samples were included using a simple method sampling technique. Semi-structured and pre-tested self-administered questionnaires and observational checklists were used to collect the data. The analysis of data was done using descriptive and analytical statistics. The researcher used binary logistic regression to detect factors linked with medication errors during administration in healthcare centers and attained a P-value ≤ 0.05, which was statistically significant. In a study by Escrivá Gracia et al. (2019), can the level of nurses' knowledge help reduce medication errors? The mixed-method technique was used in the research and included both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study reviewed medical records in healthcare, interviews with a focus group, and data collection using questionnaires. The sample size included 87 admitted patients who were selected randomly. A qualitative study by Salar et al. (2020) focused on identifying ways to prevent medication errors in a healthcare center. The study used a sample of 17 participants selected through a purposive sampling method. Participants that were the best fit for the study were selected based on inclusion criteria. Data was collected using interviews and field notes. In a quantitative study by Dirik et al. (2019), can nurse participation in documentation and reporting help reduce medication errors? The study used a descriptive survey design; the respondents were nurses working in hospitals. Eighteen sample cases were included in a survey to help the respondents identify whether the error had been made and how to report it. The researcher used chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests to analyze descriptive statistics. In a study by Alomari et al. (2020), can nurses’ involvement help decrease medication errors? The researcher used an action research three-phase quantitative study. In phase one, the aim is to understand the medication practice in healthcare. Phase two was to improve and implement the interventions for reducing medication errors, six clinical nurses were used as part of the team, and Phase three was used to evaluate the interventions. Data collection included the recording of medication incidents and the safety attitude survey. The researcher followed the standard for quality improvement reporting excellence (SQUIRE) checklist in reporting this research. Analysis Researchers should facilitate achieving unbiased and error-free findings to help the reader understand the research content and efficiently present results in their research. In the quantitative study by Tsegaye et al. (2020), what are the associated factors contributing to medication errors among nurses? The study indicated that the extent of medication errors during administration was 57.7%, with a 95% confidence interval. According to the study, the participants revealed that insufficient training, frequent change of prescriptions by physicians, and nurses dispensing medication prescribed by another nurse were contributing factors to medication errors. In a study by Escrivá Gracia et al. (2019), can the nurse's knowledge help reduce medication errors? The researcher found that human factors are responsible for several medication errors. Therefore, adequate measures must focus on the organization to identify and evaluate the critical risk aspects to redesign a more robust and error-proof medication system. A qualitative study by Salar et al. (2020) focused on identifying ways to prevent medication errors in a healthcare center. The study revealed that to reduce medication errors in healthcare, nurses should act professionally by understanding the medication labels, examining mistakes and reporting them, and regularly training medication protocols. In a study by Alomari et al. (2020), can nurses' involvement help decrease medication errors? The researcher found that the rates of medication errors reduced by 56.9% after implementing the interventions. The nurses were found to be more compliant with hospital policy after the intervention, which reduced the medication error rate. In a quantitative study by Dirik et al. (2019), can nurse participation in documentation and reporting help reduce medication errors? In the study, the response rate for useable questionnaires by nurses was 53%. A large number of nurses were identified to be unaware of medication errors. The researcher found that nurses' main reasons for failure to report medication errors were fear of being seen as incompetent by peers, punishment, and unawareness of mistakes made. In the study, almost half of nurses were unwilling to report errors, although the average rate of identifying medication errors was 81.8%. Conclusion Medication errors account for many preventable adverse events that can result or cause improper medication use or h...
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