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9 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Case Study
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Mental health illness: benefits of clinical intervention using technology (Case Study Sample)


explain the impact of mental health illnesses and corresponding clinical interventions


Mental health illness: benefits of clinical intervention using technology
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February 07, 2020
Nowadays, one of the most challenging mental health issues that the governments in different countries need to address is depression since it dramatically hinders one's activities of daily living. The CDC (2018) states that the cause of depression is yet to be discovered. It can be innate due to human nature, routine, or due to psychological aspects. These features may augment the chances of incurring depression: familial predisposition, disturbing life events, and changes; being critically ill; using illicit drugs; and devouring in one's vices (Bennabi & Haffen, 2018).
1. What is your particular population or research interest for this class as it has to do with clinical interventions in psychology or social work using technology?
Treatment of depression comes typically in face to face set up with a psychiatrist, which involves psychiatric evaluation and psychotherapy (Wolters, Op de Beek, Weidle, & Skokauskas, 2017). Doctors often order antidepressants to patients diagnosed with depression. Other patients would prefer hospital and private treatment in which they will confine the patient to a mental facility and obtain the psychiatric treatment there. The problem here us that achieving cognitive-based therapy to an enormous number of people cannot be attained using conventional methods of dissemination. 

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