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Case Study: L. L Bean Literature & Language Case Study (Case Study Sample)




Case Study: L. L Bean
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Case Study: L. L Bean
L. L Bean
L. L Bean is a privately owned company that specialized in selling clothes and outdoor recreation equipment. This paper is going to focus on human resource practices and assess how L. L Bean uses total reward as a way of supporting the company’s mission and values. The company believed that a satisfied employee delivers more than expected. As a result, the L. L Bean, through its human resource department, has embraced total reward and incentive schemes to motivate its staff. Such rewards have boosted the performance of the company over the years. For instance, between the years 1990 and 2000, the sales increased from $616.8 million to $1.169 billion, making the company issue a 10% bonus (Reed, 2016). However, just like any company, L. L Bean has its own internal and external weakness and strengths.

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