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A case study of Monzo Management Case Study Research Paper (Case Study Sample)


It is a case study concerning Monzo bank


Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ABOUT THE INFLUENCE OF THE RISE OF DIGITAL PAYMENT ON COMPANY’S EXPANSION STRATEGY, A CASE STUDY OF MONZO. PAGEREF _Toc40455171 \h 3AIM AND SUB-OBJECTIVES PAGEREF _Toc40455172 \h 3LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc40455173 \h 52.1 KEY CONCEPTS PAGEREF _Toc40455174 \h 52.1.1 Performance PAGEREF _Toc40455175 \h 52.1.2 Data Integrity PAGEREF _Toc40455176 \h 52.1.2 User Experience PAGEREF _Toc40455177 \h 52.1.3 Security PAGEREF _Toc40455178 \h 62.2 IDEAS OF TERMS PAGEREF _Toc40455179 \h 62.2.1 Credit-transfers PAGEREF _Toc40455180 \h 62.2.2 Direct-debits PAGEREF _Toc40455181 \h 62.2.3 Card-payments PAGEREF _Toc40455182 \h 72.3 KEY WRITERS PAGEREF _Toc40455183 \h 72.4 THEORIES PAGEREF _Toc40455184 \h 82.4.1 Social cognitive theory PAGEREF _Toc40455185 \h 82.4.2 Elite theory PAGEREF _Toc40455186 \h 82.4.3 The Assimilation Theory PAGEREF _Toc40455187 \h 92.4.4 Conceptual Framework PAGEREF _Toc40455188 \h 102.5 ISSUE AREA PAGEREF _Toc40455189 \h 10RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc40455190 \h 112.6 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc40455191 \h 112.7 RESEARCH DESIGN PAGEREF _Toc40455192 \h 112.8 TARGET POPULATION PAGEREF _Toc40455193 \h 122.9 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE AND SAMPLE SIZE PAGEREF _Toc40455194 \h 133.0 DATA COLLECTION PAGEREF _Toc40455195 \h 143.1 ANALYSIS OF DATA AND PRESENTATION PAGEREF _Toc40455196 \h 143.2 CHALLENGES AND RESOLVE PAGEREF _Toc40455197 \h 153.3 RESEARCH ETHICS PAGEREF _Toc40455198 \h 153.4 RESEARCH TIMETABLE PAGEREF _Toc40455199 \h 16REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc40455200 \h 17
The overall aim of this study is to establish the influence of the rise of digital payment on the company’s expansion strategy. The study is guided by some specific sub-objectives like technology adoption, policy, and customer experience. The study will target the stakeholder in the Banking sector of UK Banks who came up with the strategies of expansion. The study is carried out in May through August 2020.
The aim of this study is driven by developments recent in the digital payment with an increasing number of diverse providers of the service, declining cash usage, and new technology. Debate areas motivating this study aim includes policy (Griffoli, 2019). There are debates of policy on the changing environment of digital payments. For example, the Bank of England, which is the Central Bank of the UK, has decided to form a digital Payment Council with active actors in the market for digital services of payment. In my research, I would like to focus on these kinds of objective formations and how they view digital payment services. There are also regards to changes in digital payment services regulation, with the law on digital payment services from 2013. This is a directive of the Bank of England digital payment services implementation, aiming at the rules harmonizing towards a single UK digital Payment Market. There is a revised version of the directive that was adopted by the Commission on the 12th of August 2014. The Payments revised package legislative will, in particular, consumer protection increase, a new payment is taken into account, rules stronger for providers of payment, and interchange tackle fees by setting a level maximum. The UK Council acquired caps on fees interchange on the 20th of May 2016 with 0.3 % on debit cards and 0.4% on credit cards. The regulation aim is to reduce expenses for customers and to help create a UK payment broad market. (Bohan, 2018) The regulation also will enable users more to make choices informed about instruments of payment. The council trust that in transparency terms, the new rules will be able to ease competition and for new entrants be easy for them, and also enable customers more to choose which cards of payment to accept. The Trade Federation of Sweden stated that they are very optimistic about the decision, but that the Sweden politicians now have a task to make sure that banks do not come up with other fees.

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