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Norwegian Air Management Case Study Research Paper (Case Study Sample)


The biggest challenges Norwegian experienced in trying to expand its airline across the globe


College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 3
Principles of Management (MGT101)
Course Name: Principles of Management

Student’s Name:

Course Code: MGT101

Student’s ID Number:

Semester: 2nd


Academic Year: 1440/1441 H, 2nd Term

For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:

Students’ Grade: /10

Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

Question one
Considering the presented case, it is clear that several aspects played a role in the challenges in Norwegian's business. Firstly, the Norwegians experienced stiff competition from its rivals. The presence of cheaper airlines in Norwegian at the time the low-cost airlines Global began its operations caused havoc in the industry (Lasserre, 2017). They have made it possible for travelers to have access to a wide range of airlines whenever they want to travel. Consequently, this issue has enabled several large and prosperous airlines to establish cheaper corporations to pose competition with others. For instance, they modify their business strategy to raise competition by giving a few unpaid in-flight services.
The other main challenge is the imminent strikes of more than 600 pilots. According to Lee (2011), The Norwegians have been struggling to handle this issue of strikes. The fact that the Norwegians were organizing to contract out some of its flight employees to Thailand engineered such demonstrations on several occasions.

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