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Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc. (FRH) Management Case Study (Case Study Sample)


The instruction was to select the an organisation that has been affected by covid-19 and provide a discussion on the impact.
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Topic: Case Study on Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc. (FRH)
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Part One: Company Background and Rational for Choice PAGEREF _Toc53044640 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc53044641 \h 2About the Company PAGEREF _Toc53044642 \h 2The Rationale for Selection of the Company PAGEREF _Toc53044643 \h 3Part Two: Trends and Challenges Impacting the Company PAGEREF _Toc53044644 \h 4Short Term Impacts PAGEREF _Toc53044645 \h 4Mid-Term/ Long-term Impacts PAGEREF _Toc53044646 \h 5Part Three: Strategies and Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc53044647 \h 6Strategies Used By FRH PAGEREF _Toc53044648 \h 6Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc53044649 \h 7Part Four: Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc53044650 \h 8Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc53044651 \h 8Group Reflection PAGEREF _Toc53044652 \h 8References PAGEREF _Toc53044653 \h 9
Part One: Company Background and Rational for Choice
About the Company
Many organizations have experienced crisis following the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper will analyze the changes that have taken place at Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc. (FRH) after the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic. FRH is a company that is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act. The company, which was founded in 1890, is headquartered in Lake Louse, Albert. The company operates both in the Tourism, hotel, and hospitality industry. Most of the company’s operations take place in Canada, although there a few subsidiaries overseas.
 The company also has a subsidiary in the real estate industry called FRH properties Inc. Some of the services offered by the company include; food and beverages, resorts and spa, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, The Fairmont Banff Springs located, and other tourist attraction sites (Romero, 2020). The other products the FRH deals with include real estate properties. To differentiate itself from competitors, the company provides 5-star premium services.

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