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Advertisements. Business & Marketing Case Study Assignment. (Case Study Sample)


(a) Creators of UK online non-broadcast advertisements must be aware of existing laws that may impact on the creation and use of online advertisements.
State whether you agree with the statement and discuss how legislation related to (i) Privacy and data protection (ii) Intellectual property and (iii) Medicines have an impact on the creation and use of online advertisements aimed at the general public.
(b) Affordable Cars Ltd, a well-known car dealer in London, advertised a special one day sale of cars. Their advertisement read “One day sale only. Nearly new imported cars, all under two years old, in fantastic condition. Pay no more than £12,000”. Yousef, a recent graduate Middlesex University was very excited and decided to attend the special sale to purchase a car. At the sale Yousef fell in love with a red two-door spots car, which had a sale price tag of £11,000 displayed in the front Window. Yousef enquired about the car and was asked to go to the sales department to purchase the car. At the sales department, Yousef was told that there was an administration fee of £2,500 for all cars in the sale, therefore the total cost of the car was £13,500. He was then required to complete a questionnaire before he could purchase the car, and it asked about his medical history. Yousef was excited about owning the sports car so he paid the amount requested and completed the questionnaire. He decided to go for a drive in his new car and after about an hour of driving noticed a strange smell and smoke coming from the car’s bonnet. He immediately tried to pull over, but the car started to shake and he ended up hitting a nearby wall. The impact of the crash caused him to sustain burns on his right arm. Yousef gave the car to a local mechanic for examination and he was told that the car was 4 years old and had a serious fault with the
Advise Yousef on the legality of the conduct of Affordable Cars Ltd explaining whether they have any liability under UK law. In your answer you should consider issues related to different areas of law citing relevant specific sections of existing legislation. Note: Do not discuss CAP codes since they are codes of conduct and not legislation.


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Question One
First, I agree with the following statement that developers of UK online non-broadcast advertisements must remain aware of existing laws that may control the creation and use of online promotions. The advertising regulatory body in the UK effectively regulate the online non-advertisements and insists that such advertisements must be legal, decent, honest, and faithful. Also, such advertisement should not mislead or cause harm or serious or widespread offence to the public (Hunt, 2015). The creators who develop these online non-advertisements must have evidence to authenticate any claim before the non-broadcast promotions are published online. The legislation in the UK related to privacy and data protection have control over the creation and use of online advertisements aimed at the general public. This legislation suggests that personal data in the online non-broadcast advertisements must be processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner concerning the information subject.

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