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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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Leadership and Culture in Innovation Business & Marketing Case Study (Case Study Sample)


Students are required to study any Entrepreneur within the regional context (or globally) with specific reference to the Leadership challenges and opportunities, interactions between Leadership, and Teaming and how they have built a culture of Innovation within their Enterprises, the enablers and inhibitors to Innovation with recommendations to improve upon current Practice. Presentation on a case study of Google.


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Leadership and Culture in Innovation
Google is known for having a unique organizational culture as compared to other tech-giants in America. Its unusual leadership and business model has led to innovative products that are used everywhere around the world. Innovation has helped its search engine to dominate the market and generate a lot of revenue. As a result, the organization has grown tremendously and acquired other small companies to diversify its products.
Key characteristics of Entrepreneurial Leadership
When Page and Brin created Google, they launched an open IPO auction instead of letting investment banks decide the reasonable share price. Going public enabled them to raise capital at a faster rate since they could reach a lot of investors around the world. The initial funding made the search engine a multibillion-dollar company and this allowed it to compete with search giants such as Bing and Yahoo. The initial public offering was used to come up with innovative ways to improve the search algorithm, build its own browser and develop an online advertising platform.
Google also adopted a two-tier board system that maximized managerial freedom. This model ensures that the organization is light-managed with employees to manager ratio of 1:20. With such a mode of leadership in place, engineers, programmers, and other staffs work in small autonomous groups. Each team focuses on peer review to improve the quality and quantity of the overall output instead of following the company’s strategic guidelines.

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