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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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An exploration of operational issues facing Morgan Motor Company (Case Study Sample)


The essay investigates the performance of Morgan Motor, a UK-based automobile manufacturing company. The essay focuses on the design of goods and services as well as managing quality areas of operations management.


An exploration of operational issues facing Morgan Motor Company and suggesting total quality (TQM) approaches to improve performance
This essay will investigate the performance of Morgan Motor, a UK-based automobile manufacturing company. From the current overview of the company, the operations manager should focus on enhancing the company’s prospect within the UK market several areas. This essay will focus on the design of goods and services as well as managing quality areas of operations management. Based on research, the essay will suggest aspects of operation management as well as total quality tools that can be helpful in overcoming some the key challenges facing the company.
The Morgan Motor Company is a family-own British motor car and is based on Malvern Link, Malvern, and Worcestershire (Morgan Motor 2018). The company designs and produces classic and sophisticated models using craftsmanship and quality materials (Morgan Motor 2018). The Company produces an average of 1300 cars annually, which are all assembled by hand and has a waiting list of approximately six months, although this has sometime stretched to almost ten years (Srinivasan 2014). Indeed, the production process at Morgan Motor Company has remained virtually unchanged since its incorporation in 1910, hence the long waiting list (Srinivasan 2014). Although the company’s management as a core to quality supports the long waiting list, it is important to smoothen production process while ensuring quality of the Morgan Motor cars is assured (Srinivasan 2014). Further, the management of people in operation as well as the management of supply chains will help Morgan Motor in reducing costs of operations and support the company in achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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