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How a Loft can be Transformed into An Home-Based Office (Coursework Sample)


Detailed Instructions:
You have been asked to make one significant change to the loft space in the photograph below in order to make it more appealing as a home office. As you will not be making the physical change yourself, you are to write a set of instructions using methods and language that will allow your audience to be able to effectively and safely perform the task. Your audience is unfamiliar with the process.
Sample contains instructions on how a loft can be transformed into an home.-based office.


Technical Instructions Assignment
Student Name
Purpose: The main objective of this set of instructions is to help users understand the process of transforming loft space into a home office which conducive for carrying out office operations while at home.
General Description: Rather than selecting a front flex room or rather a room within the basement to your home office you can choose a loft space. Having plenty of natural light emanating from the windows, you can work easier during the day not during the nights or when conditions are distracting. You can arrange a desk that includes drawers for each and every item and other décor so that you could spruce it and be comfortable. In case you have a side gig like décor and musical instruments, a loft would provide ample space if there is need for practice.
Parts, Materials and conditions: Set conditions must be applied during transforming a loft space to home office, some of the set conditions include:
* Fire escape is essential
* The loft’s structural strength of the floor 

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