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Diabetes Type One, Two, Gestational and Juvenile Diabetes (Coursework Sample)


eview and reflect on differences between types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
Select one type of diabetes to focus on for this Discussion.
Consider one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Then, reflect on dietary considerations related to treatment.
Think about the short-term and long-term impact of the diabetes you selected on patients, including effects of drug treatments.
Post a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples.


Diabetes Type One, Two, Gestational and Juvenile Diabetes
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Diabetes Type One, Two, Gestational and Juvenile Diabetes
About 30 million individuals in the United States live with diabetes distressing the government on based finances and other essential resources used to manage the infection. According to CDC (2022), diabetes is the 7th leading instigator of mortality, making it a national epidemic. The number of individuals with diabetes has doubled over the past 20 years. There are different forms of diabetes, such as type one, two, gestational and juvenile.
On the other hand, Type one diabetes normally starts during childhood. However, it only accounts for about 5% of all incidences of diabetes, corresponding to 2.4 million incidences in the United States of America (USA). The primary component in diabetes type one is the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. According to Rosenthal and Burchum (2018), cells are responsible for secreting insulin. Diabetes type one is characterized by severe reduction of insulin levels, which can fall to zero.
On the other hand, diabetes type two is the most prevalent, with at least 22 million individuals diagnosed. Conversely, about 8 million individuals are undiagnosed. Juvenile diabetes is a type 2 diabetes happening in childhood is also an increasingly prevalent issue in the USA. Its onset is progressive, and it occurs mainly in middle adulthood. On the other hand, gestational diabetes happens in females during pregnancy. Notably, gestational diabetes happens in women who have no history of diabetes before getting pregnant (CDC, 2022). The increased sugar levels in pregnant women can cause hyperglycemia in the fetus, triggering high birth weight and a need for a cesarean section. Additionally, gestational diabetes can cause preeclampsia, affecting the fetus and the mother.
Metformin is considered the first common drug for managing diabetes type 2. Metformin is also known as fortamet or Glucophage. The drug in question is antidiabetic biguanide medicine responsible for reducing hepatic glucose production. It also reduces the absorption of intestinal glucose and increases insulin sensitivity (Weissgerber & Mudd, 2015). Typically, the patient should start the dose by consuming metformin 500 mg orally twice daily. The quantity can increase incrementally to 2000mg daily to control diabetes type 2. According to Quiring et al. (2019), metformin can be combined with a diabetic diet, sulfonylurea, oral hypoglycemic, or insulin. The drug also expresses some side effects such as reduced appetite, diarrhea, and nausea. Notably, small intestine absorb metf

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