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Structured Query Language IT & Computer Science Coursework (Coursework Sample)


The task was about developing a database after which i was required to answer the questions as listed. the question were about QUERYING specific data from the database.


SQL Questions
Institution Affiliation
1 Provide a listing of the novelty goods suppliers, indicated by a supplier category 2. Display supplier ID, supplier name and supplier category. Show the suppliers in alphabetical order by name. Use Purchasing.Suppliers table. Record the number of rows in resulting query: __6_
select SupplierID,SupplierName,SupplierCategoryID from Purchasing.Suppliers where SupplierCategoryID='2' order by SupplierName asc
2 Provide a listing of all suppliers who use a bank in San Francisco (hint: look at BankAccountBranch field). Display supplier ID, supplier name, bank account name and bank account branch. Show the companies in alphabetical order by name. Use Purchasing.Suppliers table. Record the number of rows in resulting query: ______2_______
select SupplierID,SupplierName,BankAccountName,BankAccountBranch from Purchasing.Suppliers where BankAccountBranch like '%San Francisco' order by SupplierName asc
3 Provide a listing of products that are heavier than 1 pound and have a unit price between 15 and 20 dollars. Display stock item ID, stock item name, size, unit price and typical weight per unit. Show the heaviest product first. Use Warehouse.StockItems table. Record the number of rows in resulting query: ______3_______

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