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Leadership and Management (Coursework Sample)

SWOT Analysis of Leadership Skills and Abilities Name of Potential CEO Student Name Submission Date Course Name Introduction [Once you’ve selected a leader, consider that you need to be able to provide quality information on the person’s leadership style and behaviors, preferably with citations to sources supporting your writing. Provide an introduction paragraph to the person including: • Name of the leader • Title of the leader • Name of company and industry where leader works • Quick biography (who is this person) • Rational for your selection of the leader • Explanation of an issue you think this analysis report will help resolve. You must include an APA-formatted citation to your source.] SWOT Quadrants Table [In the first blank cell for each quadrant, create at least two of your own questions to demonstrate your understanding of strengths, external opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. In the second blank cell for each quadrant, identify four items that demonstrate his or her strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Examples of the questions you should consider are included below. These should be an observation of the leaders’ actions or behaviors and start with an action verb. Prioritize the order by numbering each point. You MUST use this matrix/chart format.] Internal External Strengths Opportunities Examples of questions to consider: • What compliments or praise have you heard about them? • What does the organization or employees depend on? • What skills are brought to the role that are unique to the person? • Does this person seek out collaborators? • Do employees approach this person with positive ideas for change? • Do people believe that this person will act on feedback? • Do you see them mentoring others? • Do you see them show any signs of instructing others to develop them? Example of questions to consider: • What qualities do others admire? • Do they show passion about a specific topic or project? • Do you see them networking outside of their organization? • Do you see a potential position for which they might be a better fit? • Do you see other organizations that might want to recruit them? • Do you see them working to demonstrate their skills as a candidate for another role? [Insert two additional questions to consider for strengths. Consider at least one question presented from a different demographic. Perhaps frame your question from a different demographic such as instead of you, a person of the opposite gender, age, cultural background, or geographical location.] [Insert two additional questions to consider for opportunities. Consider at least one question presented from a different demographic. Perhaps frame your question from a different demographic such as instead of you, a person of the opposite gender, age, cultural background, or geographical location.] 1. 2. 1. 2. [Identify at least three items that demonstrate his or her strengths.] [Identify at least three items that demonstrate his or her weaknesses.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Internal External Weaknesses Threats • Are there tasks that the person tends to avoid? • Do they pass on opportunities to challenge themselves because of the fallout in the public if they fail? • Is there a high turnover of direct reports? • Are there indications of issues delegating tasks to others? • Could they be better at delegating tasks? • Do they demonstrate public frustration with events occurring around them? • Do they demonstrate good organizational skills – think of a calendar or a desk. • Do others have to gain clarity on an email or communication that was sent? • Do they ask follow-up questions to expand on ideas provided? • Is there anyone undermining their role? • Do they use a skill that is obsolete due to a change in customer needs or a change in technology? • Do they demonstrate insecurity? • Do they demonstrate characteristics of getting burned out in their current role as seen in public? • Are there any organizational restructuring plans on the horizon? • Are there personal life changes distracting them? • Do they demonstrate distraction in activities? • Do they look to be bored in their current role? • Do they demonstrate symptoms of a mid-life crisis? • Do they have a high workload to meet customer needs? [Insert two additional questions to consider for weaknesses. Consider at least one question presented from a different demographic. Perhaps frame your question from a different demographic such as instead of you, a person of the opposite gender, age, cultural background, or geographical location.] [Insert two additional questions to consider for threats. Consider at least one question presented from a different demographic. Perhaps frame your question from a different demographic such as instead of you, a person of the opposite gender, age, cultural background, or geographical location.] 1. 2. 1. 2. [Identify at least three items that demonstrate his or her opportunities.] [Identify at least three items that demonstrate his or her threats.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SWOT Analysis and Explanation [From your matrix you identified your SWOT points and now need to explain what you mean. Explain why you characterized them as such. Within your Analysis and Explanation Critically evaluate the individual and assess the leadership competencies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. If you list four points in your quadrants table, you should have four points explained. Write 1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) in each numbered cell below for each of the strengths listed in the SWOT matrix quadrants. Identify what your item or perspective means. Provide an example of the action or behavior seen that supports the item identified in the SWOT quadrants table and explain how data supports your statements including APA inline citations. Your citations should be referencing sources that may be course materials or other materials that focus on organizational behavior and organizational leadership. Using APA inline citations to the sources you use provides support for data-driven information. Sources must have a publisher, date of publication, and author’s name, company, or person from a reputable source such as a journal periodical, news publications, trade publication, and research paper (not random web pages or a marketing web sites). Provide examples of the actions or behaviors seen.] Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [Continue to the next area – weaknesses. Remember you need 1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) in each numbered cell below for each of the weakness listed in the SWOT matrix. You must provide enough content/context for an unfamiliar person to understand your rationale. You must use include data-driven references indicated by an APA inline citation to support your ideas.] Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [Continue to the next area – opportunities. Remember you need 1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) in each numbered cell below for each of the weakness listed in the SWOT matrix. You must provide enough content/context for an unfamiliar person to understand your rationale. You must use include data-driven references indicated by an APA inline citation to support your ideas.] Opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [Continue to the next area – threats. Remember you need 1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) in each numbered cell below for each of the weakness listed in the SWOT matrix. You must provide enough content/context for an unfamiliar person to understand your rationale. You must use include data-driven references indicated by an APA inline citation to support your ideas.] Threats 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Application of Leadership Theories [Retain the question and below each question provide a paragraph (3-5 sentences) response. Integrate your learning of the reading materials and research on the person you selected. Provide an example of the action or behavior seen that supports your ideas. Provide APA inline citations to the course reading materials to explain how data supports your statements. You must use the question-and-answer format.] 1. Which of the leadership functions covered in module one does this leader demonstrate as a focus? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. 2. Which of the leadership styles covered in module one does this person exhibit? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. If you see more than one style, describe each of them. 3. Which leadership theory applies to the person you have selected? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. 4. From where does the leader get his or her power? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. 5. When looking at the leadership characteristics of your leader, does your leader demonstrate transactional, transformational, or charismatic leadership? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. 6. Does your leader demonstrate a Theory X or Theory Y attitude? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. 7. When looking at the organization your person leads, does the organization practice corporate social responsibility? Provide an example of an action or behavior that tells you this. Recommendation to the Board [Think of your recommendation area as your conclusion. You’re the consultant – based on your research, make a recommendation to the board whether to hire the person. From which quadrant does your recommendation come – strength, opportunity, weakness, threat? Use 3-4 sentences for your recommendation as you explain your rationale for the recommendation. Describe how your recommendation can help solve the problem explained in the introduction.] What is your recommendation to the board? What is your rationale for the recommendation? [Include your summary of your analysis.] From what quadrant is your recommendation based? How does the recommendation solve the problem or challenge from the Leader & Problem Profile? Be specific. References [List your references using APA formatting.] source..
SWOT Analysis of Leadership Skills and Abilities Mark Zuckerberg SWOT Analysis of Leadership Skills and Abilities Introduction Mark Zuckerberg is Facebook's co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the social media platform. He also owns Meta Platforms, Inc., which manages Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram (Frenkel & Browning, 2021). He is responsible for guiding the company's strategic direction and oversees digital and social media initiatives. Under his leadership, Facebook has evolved into one of the world's largest and most influential social networking platforms, shaping how people stay connected and share information. Analyzing Mark Zuckerberg's leadership style through SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) can help understand the impact of his leadership at Meta Platforms, Inc. The report evaluates Mark Zuckerberg leadership SWOT analysis to understand how it can help address existing challenges and leverage opportunities for the company’s sustained growth and success. SWOT Quadrants Table Internal External Strengths Opportunities Examples of questions to consider: * What compliments or praise have you heard about them? * What does the organization or employees depend on? * What skills are brought to the role that are unique to the person? * Does this person seek out collaborators? * Do employees approach this person with positive ideas for change? * Do people believe that this person will act on feedback? * Do you see them mentoring others? * Do you see them show any signs of instructing others to develop them? Examples of questions to consider: * What qualities do others admire? * Do they show passion for a specific topic or project? * Do you see them networking outside of their organization? * Do you see a potential position for which they might be a better fit? * Do you see other organizations that might want to recruit them? * Do you see them working to demonstrate their skills as candidates for another role? 1 How does his leadership style contribute to promoting gender diversity and inclusion within the organization? 2 How does his approach to innovation resonate with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds? 1. How might his experience and skills transition into mentoring young entrepreneurs or supporting startups? 2. How does his international influence and tech expertise contribute to global initiatives that address social challenges? 1. Feedback-Oriented Leadership 2. Innovative Leadership 3. Driving Global Connectivity 4. Empowering Team Culture 5. 1. Passion for Tech and Philanthropy 2. Potential Role Evolution 3. Skills Demonstration 4. External Leadership Roles 5. Internal External Weaknesses Threats * Are there tasks that the person tends to avoid? * Do they pass on opportunities to challenge themselves because of the fallout in the public if they fail? * Is there a high turnover of direct reports? * Are there indications of issues delegating tasks to others? * Could they be better at delegating tasks? * Do they demonstrate public frustration with events occurring around them? * Do they demonstrate good organizational skills – think of a calendar or a desk. * Do others have to gain clarity on an email or communication sent? * Do they ask follow-up questions to expand on the ideas provided? * Is there anyone undermining their role? * Do they use an obsolete skill due to a change in customer needs or a technology change? * Do they demonstrate insecurity? * Do they demonstrate characteristics of getting burned out in their current role as seen in public? * Are there any organizational restructuring plans on the horizon? * Are there personal life changes distracting them? * Do they demonstrate distraction in activities? * Do they look to be bored in their current role? Do they demonstrate symptoms of a mid-life crisis? Do they have a high workload to meet customer needs? 1 How might his leadership style and communication approach inadvertently create challenges in building relationships and understanding with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds? 2 How might his leadership approach hinder his ability to connect and engage effectively with younger employees who prioritize rapid feedback, transparency, and a collaborative work environment typical of the tech industry? 1. Are there personal life changes distracting them? 2. Do they demonstrate symptoms of a mid-life crisis? 1. Communication gaps 2. Innovation Exploration 3. External Engagement 4. Depiction in Movies 5. 1. Changing Industry Dynamics 2. Organizational Culture Shifts 3. Market Competition 4. cyber security 5. SWOT Analysis and Explanation Strengths 1 Feedback-Oriented Leadership: Mark Zuckerberg acknowledges the receptiveness of positive and critical feedback. In decision-making, he considers having employees' feedback as he understands that they know the cause and sources of challenges and difficulties of the company. He actively seeks input from employees and the community (Hamdan, 2023).  Addressing employees' concerns portrays his willingness to adapt and improve his organization. 2 Innovation Leadership: Mark Zuckerberg is an innovative leader defined by his creativity, thinking, and capability to find new technological directions to create new socializing platforms. He founded Facebook and continues implementing new features to make it secure and social for everyone, regardless of age. 3 Driving Global Connectivity through social media: Zuckerberg is committed to creating a global community through Facebook. Since most people lack access to the Internet, he launched to provide Internet access to local areas and under-deprived communities, which helped create the social responsibility of equality. He ensures people can connect anytime they wish. 4 Empowering Team Culture: Zuckerberg encourages employees to formulate ideas that lead to creativity and innovation. Hence, he has established a culture of experimentation and creativity at Facebook. The company workforce is from different diversity, which creates a balanced and unique platform to share values and ethics. Weaknesses 1 Communication gaps: There is a communication gap in the company as employees are free to make decisions in the improvement of social media platforms (Suriati et al., 2023). He should be proactive to ensure that communication and information transfer is transparent on Facebook to prevent unauthorized people from accessing and sharing sensitive information without the users’ knowledge. 2 Innovation Exploration: Facebook has faced criticism in the past about information shared on the platform. Thus, it is a challenge that hinders Zuckerberg from exploring new ideas and innovation. Hence, it may limit the organization’s potential for growth. 3 External Engagement: There may be unrealized potential for more collaboration with outside expertise. This restricts the variety of ideas and could result in solitary decision-making. As a result, the company misses out on crucial innovations that may boost productivity. 4 Depiction in Movies: The depiction of Zuckerberg in the movie The Social Network made him feel that it painted a negative image of his reputation. It is a weakness if the followers relate to Zuckerberg's character in the movies; it might ruin the company's reputation and employment and create a high turnover rate. It creates a weakness in his leadership as the image painted in media affects his decision and avoids experiencing negative perception, which can prove the film. 5 Opportunities 1 Passion for Tech and Philanthropy: Mark Zuckerberg is passionate about technology and has improved his engagement in social media advancement (Hoover, 2021). He is genuine and willing to learn from mistakes and connect other platforms like Instagram with Facebook to increase customer satisfaction and needs. 2 Potential Role Evolution: Given his interest in wider social concerns and the significance of his platform, he may want to think about a position that combines his digital leadership with public service or policy-making. His influence might be used to influence rules and guidelines for the IT industry. This will increase the platform’s effectiveness. 3 Skills Demonstration: Zuckerberg might improve his leadership skill by occasionally holding public speeches and endorsing his products to ensure that people understand his intention on social media. He should also come forward and explain some criticism, such as data protection, to make his transparency and responsible for his company. 4 External Leadership Roles: Due to his effective leadership style, he can have advisory or board positions in other companies. The implication is that technology is advancing, and innovative ideas, market trend, and connectivity are required in most big tech companies. It can help him learn more in a wider scope and improve his company in the process. 5 Threats 1 Changing Industry Dynamics: Given the fast-paced nature of the tech industry, there is a potential threat from rapidly changing customer needs and technological advancements (Urdea & Constantin, 2021). If Mark Zuckerberg’s skills or strategies become outdated, it could impact the company’s competitiveness. This could lower its productivity. 2 Organizational Culture Shifts: An organizational restructuring plan could disrupt the company’s culture and functioning. This could affect productivity and employee morale. He must keep track of culture shifts before implementing changes. 3 Market Competition: Facebook’s market dominance and significance are endangered due to fierce competition from other internet behemoths and new entrepreneurs. Contin...
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