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Analysis of The Colonial and Postcolonial State in Africa (Coursework Sample)


Examine the colonial and post colonial atate in africa HIGHLIGHTING significant events that HAPPENED and the impacts of the same


Contemporary African States received influence from colonialist that wanted to expand in their quest to conquer Africa. In the 1960’s the quest to claim Africa by Africans from the colonialist. Colonialists not being willing, Africans had to form, organize political groups from the period after WW2 then before 1960.
The classification of African states had 5 periods
Traditional phase/ pre-colonial phase (19th cent-before precolonial)
Colonial exploitation phase (end of 19th cent- WW2)
Colonial valuation (WW2 until early 1960’s)
Independent developmentalist state(1960’s-1980’s)
Neo-liberal state
Traditional phase:
Lasted until 19th century, started before precolonial phase
Traditional societies were not homogeneous, were diverse in practice as much as admn rule e.g. Ashanti kingdom with a lot of segmentation was an example of segmented societies. There are still centralized societies in this model.
In segmented, society is based upon groups organized around extended patriarchal families with a common heritage and under authority of elders.
In centralized, model preserved social stratification and was configured and ranging from sultans to kingdoms, west African countries, present day Ghana in the 8th century, the Ashanti kingdom, Kabaka kingdom. Towns situated along banks of rivers, all dominated fast and ruling from strategic location.
Some of the key characteristics included
Founded by traditional ties and religion
Highly personalized rule
Central group held authority and monopoly over goods
Tribute paid in terms of goods
Presence of taxation in terms of cattle, harvest, metals
Exportation during long distance trade included ivory, Koala nuts,
Presence of importation during long distance trade in iron, copper, brass and clothes
High economic power but couldn’t match military
Unity to defend against enemy attacks
Societies passed long standing trade practices and cultures
In terms of practicing culture, culture gave steps to deal with bad omens e.g. pandemic, extreme poverty, drought. They would result in changing entire territories.
Colonial exploitation phase
Lasted from the end of 19th century up until World War 2
Led by colonialists mainly, method of accumulation led to this colonial state characterized by
Transferring goods to outside world.
Introduced Africa to European nations
Establishment of boundaries
Rule from resolutions made from Berlin conference
Establishment of plantation farming, commercial agriculture
Commercialization of farming and consumption meant for overseas use
The African –colonial pact led to introduction of industrialization, based upon particular laws, political procedures, legal framework then forced upon Africans had 3 elements
Element of forced cultivation - masters to for

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