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President Biden Address to a Joint Session of Congress (Coursework Sample)


The task required watching president Biden's first address to a joint session congress and answering a few questions


President Biden 1st Address to a Joint Session of Congress
President Biden 1st Address to a Joint Session of Congress
On Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, President Joe Biden delivered his first speech to the joint session of congress, focusing on his critical achievements from his first one hundred days in office and his future agenda. The president's speech was optimistic and outlined an active and ambitious role for the government to continue supporting the struggling citizens in the US as well as new proposals to boost the nation's ability to compete. The current global pandemic and Biden's personality made the hour-plus speech quite different from those of his predecessors. It was more of a low-key and convectional litany of policy priorities than unscripted and unpredictable moments seen in the speeches of former presidents.

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