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Creative Commons (Coursework Sample)

The instructions of the assignment required topical answers to the questions posted, each with specific demands based on the coursework content. the first question was about creative commons license and how it supports creative content creation. the second question was about how the creative commons license works while the last question focused on how the cc license is used in YouTube videos. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Creative Commons Question 1 According to Creative Commons, the CC Licenses are forms of permissions or rights granted to the public by content creators, regardless of status, whether individuals or organisations reuse, distribute, or adapt their creative works in a meaningful way. The licenses work as a tool to overcome Copywrite issues and help others have access to information or creative works which would otherwise be inaccessible and constricted by Copywrite regulations. However, as Creative Commons states, though the creative work is open to the public for any manipulations or usage, the creators must be given credit and acknowledgement. Therefore, it is a system that allows open sharing and permission to support creative content, whether videos, images or any other format of creativity. Question 2 Based on the Creative Commons’ video, the CC licenses work by initiating a sharing perception among content creators. Suppose a creative creator has specific content. In that case, they share among relevant platforms, which then offer permission through informed consent from the creator to others to access, redistribute, reuse or rework the idea to help in sharing knowledge and creativity. However, based on the specific license used to overwrite Copywrite issues, those using any content must adhere to particular standards and rules used in the Creative Commons community (Creative Commons). Hence, the concept of CC license is based on free sharing, collaborative creativity and community-based support for content creators. Question 3 YouTu...
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