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Indian Horse Literature & Language Coursework Paper (Coursework Sample)


The task was about answering two questions based on the Indian horse novel.


Experience in the Residential Schools
Wagamese’s Indian Horse reignites the need to address social injustices in society. The novel centers on a personal narration of the protagonist known as Saul Indian Horse. The minorities got discriminated in nearly all sectors of the Canadian country including schools such as Jerome’s Indian Residential School. The descriptions of how the school forcefully separated children from their parents and the racism in the society have influenced my attitudes towards societal inequalities; however, to eliminate such maltreatment, individuals and the community should be proactive in the reconciliation process.
I was surprised to learn that the residential schools alienated children from their parents. Education was compulsory, but it did not solve the problems in the society but made children live in a harsh and lonely environment. Saul Indian Horse and other children were forcefully taken to school, and never communicated with their family members. The children grow in a strange place where there is a cut off from their culture and language. Schools ought to solve the societal problems, but in the novel, they catalyzed discriminations against the Aboriginals. The isolation depicted in the Indian residential school has changed my view on school policies, and I believe that governments should act swiftly to make sure that students have constant communication with their families.

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