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Life Sciences
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The Understanding and Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion (Coursework Sample)


These are physics questions testing the understanding and application of Newton’s laws of motion. The fifteen questions require an undergraduate student to apply various mathematics concepts, such as algebra and trigonometry. Some questions also need graphical and pictorial representations of forces, angles, and directions of vectors. Fourteen out of the fifteen questions were solved in the word document, while one question was submitted through a link.


Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Chapter 1 and 2 Homework
Question 1
I mile per hour = 1.599126 km/h
Therefore, 31.5 miles/h = 31.5 × 1.599126 = 50.37247km/h
(a). Speed = 50.37247 km/h
(b). speed = 13.9924 m/s

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