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1 page/≈275 words
1 Source
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The essay covers concepts related to animal care and early veterinary medicine practices. The "five freedoms" of animal welfare are outlined, such as freedom from hunger, discomfort, pain, ability to express natural behaviors, and freedom from distress. An example demonstrates providing freedom from discomfort by describing a French bulldog living comfortably despite hip issues. Veterinary medicine is shown to have early ties to human medicine based on archaeological evidence like ancient medical texts covering animal anatomy, diseases, and treatments. Furthermore, archaeological findings of cow and calf skeletons suggest crude but existing medieval farm practices of assisting with difficult calvings through forced extraction methods. source..
Animal Care and Early Veterinary Medicine Student Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Instructor Date Question 1 The "five freedoms" related to animal welfare were freedom from thirst and starvation by ensuring access to fresh water and food to keep them healthy, freedom from discomfort by ensuring a good environment that includes shelter and a better resting place, freedom from injury, pain or infections by ensuring preventative measure or quick diagnosis and treatment, freedom to show normal behaviors by providing adequate space. Freedom from suffering and pain by providing treatment and ensuring conditions that avoid mental suffering. An example demonstrating freedom from discomfort is provided by Mackinnon in 2006, who described a French bulldog having a general hip displeasure where the hip joint kept popping out, resulting in the formation of a false joint that showed the dog had permanently dislocated joint and arthritis, but the dog survived to an advanced old age since it had naturally lost its teeth thus the dog was cared for. Question 2 Veterinary medicine is closely aligned with human medicine in early practices. Archaeological evidence, such as the Indian king, Ashoka, who ensured there were two kinds of medicine, "human and animal"; also there is a medical test with a topic on animal gynecology where a cattle overseer attended to animal pregnancy, birthing, and examining cattle. Also, there are textbooks indicating the study of animal anatomy, where they could recognize earlier signs of animal diseases and use specific treatment...
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