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3 pages/≈825 words
4 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Faye Abdellah’s Nursing Theory (Essay Sample)

The task involved a critical analysis and reflective commentary on Faye G. Abdellah's Nursing Theory, specifically focusing on how the key concepts in the nursing metaparadigm (person, environment, health, and nursing practice) are reflected in her Patient-Centered Theory. The sample explores Abdellah's framework, discussing each of the metaparadigm concepts and their significance in nursing practice. It explores Abdellah's perspectives on the person, emphasizing their holistic nature and unique life experiences, health, considering the health-illness continuum and holistic approach to wellness, environment, encompassing physical, emotional, and social factors influencing health outcomes, and nursing practice, addressing the delivery of care and the role of nursing professionals in meeting patients' needs. Through critical analysis, the paper aims to provide insights into how Abdellah's theory informs nursing practice and contributes to patient-centered care. source..
Faye Abdellah’s Nursing Theory Student’s Name Institution Faye Abdellah’s Nursing Theory Faye Abdellah’s theory captures the key metaparadigm concepts, which are the environment, health, person, and nursing practice. In the framework, Abdellah identifies meeting the patient’s needs as the main focus of the profession. Nurses are required to address the problems related to people’s health needs. The theory further implies that health problems may either be apparent or overt and therefore, nurses should be vigilant. Abdellah describes problems that are common in the nursing practice, most of which address the vital nursing ideologies. This paper focuses on discussing how the key four concepts in the nursing metaparadigm (the person, environment, health, and nursing practice) are reflected in Faye G. Abdellah’s Patient-Centered Theory. Person The person is one of the main nursing concepts that can be deduced from Faye Abdellah’s theory. In the nursing practice, human beings are regarded as hosts of energy that have unique and singular life experiences. They are viewed as holistic beings that are dynamic, responsible, and capable of seeing reason. Hence, nurses are expected to respect, nurture and understand the individual while ensuring that they make informed decisions pertaining to their health (Nikfarid et al., 2018). In Abdellah’s theory, she describes human beings as having sociological, and physical needs (Jacob, 2018). The model also states that the highlighted needs might be overt, as in physical needs. Emotional and social needs tend to be covert since nursing professionals require more effort to identify the same. Furthermore, Abdellah claims that the patient is the only element that justifies the nursing profession (Jacob, 2018). In this framework, the health of the patient is the primary purpose of the existence of nursing services. Health Health is yet another essential concept in nursing, and it refers to a person’s position on the health-illness continuum at the time they seek medical attention. The health-illness spectrum captures the changes in the wellbeing of a patient over a period of time (Branch et al., 2016). Nurses need to understand that an individual’s particular health history might have an effect on their state of being for the rest of their life. The health concept is also described as defining the processes of life and death. Even though Abdellah does not explicitly define the concept of health, she stresses the need for a holistic approach in care, whereby nurses should focus on the wellness of the body and mind (Jacob, 2018). In this way, the theory suggests that nursing is a comprehensive practice that deals with the different facets of health. Abdellah identifies various problems pertaining to a patient’s health. Health relates to the entire wellbeing of a person, and a patient’s environment plays a significant role in its achievement. Environment The environment as a component of the metaparadigm, deals with the patient’s surroundings. In this case, the immediate surrounding not only covers the physical but also the emotional and social environment (Nikfarid et al., 2018). This part of nursing practice consists of internal and external factors that might influence a person’s Abdellah accentuates that the environment plays a significant role in influencing a patients journey to recovery and health outcomes. For instance, a patient’s interaction with their friends and family might contribute to a speedy recovery. Environmental influences include cultural, social, geographical, and social factors (Black, 2019). The theory also advocates for the use of community resources to resolve issues that emanate from illness (Black, 2019). Thus, an ideal environment facilitates the delivery of optimal nursing services and the patient's health outcome. Nursing Another significant concept of the metaparadigm is nursing, which deals with the delivery and achievement of optimal results courtesy of the nurse. This component of the metaparadigm refers to the nurse as a professional and the way in which they apply their skills and knowledge when looking after patients (Branch et al., 2016). The concept also addresses the character and attributes of a nurse (Branch et al., 2016). In Abdellah’s framework, nursing care is described as helping a patient restore th...
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