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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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The Evolution of the Speaker's Attitude in "The Fish" (Essay Sample)

Please compare and contrast about koi and gold fish. Also incorporate ponds. I have a pond at home and I use it as a way to relax. The essay has to incorporate pond, AND food that these fish eat. Use the paper attached as a guideline of what information to incorporate. Thank you. Assignment Worksheet: For your Compare and Contrast Essay, complete the outline below by responding to all prompts. Introduction Paragraph Provide an overview of 3 sub points you will discuss in your essay: 1. Similarities between Koi and Gold Fish 2. Differences between Koi and Gold fish. 3. The environments role in the fish life span. Your thesis statement is the main point, located as the last sentence of your Introductory paragraph. Thesis: I have learned many things about Koi and Gold Fish throughout the hobby of fish keeping. Body Paragraph 1: Using sub point 1 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1: Both fish have many similarities. Now, elaborate with three supporting details: 1. Both species are omnivores. 2. Koi and Gold fish belong to the carp family. 3. They are native the Asian continent. Body Paragraph 2: Using sub point 2 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2: Both fish have many differences. Now, elaborate with three supporting details: 1. Koi and Gold fish come in many sizes and colors. 2. Koi have barrbels that help them find food and gold fish do not. 3. Koi grow to vary large sizes while gold fish tend to be a lot smaller. ENG101: Assignment WorksheetPage 2 ` Body Paragraph 3: Using sub point 3 (listed above), write your Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 3: The environment they are in plays an important role in their lifespan. Now, elaborate with three supporting details: 1. Crossbreeding can change their body shape causing many health issues. 2. Diet makes a big role in their health. 3. Water and the space that they live in influence their growth and health. Conclusion Paragraph Restate in different words the thesis statement as first sentence of conclusion: Keeping koi and gold fish for so many years have given me the knowledge to provide longer and healthier life for them Now, summarize the main points discussed in your body paragraphs. 1. I have had a pond for several years. 2. I dedicate my free time to researching on keeping a healthy environment for my fish. 3. Having my fish relaxes me and helps me overcome many life obstacles. source..
DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN KOI AND GOLDFISH Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institution Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date Differences and Similarities between Koi and Goldfish Koi and goldfish are types of fish which have close relations to the extent that they can be able to breed each other. In cases where the two types of fish breed each other, the offspring obtained are normally sterile. Koi or goldfish which is immature can be mistaken for each other. However, the Koi and goldfish have a number of similarities and differences. The similarities between Koi and Goldfish lie in their feeding habits while their differences lie in their physical characteristics and breeding. The environment from which the two types of fish dwell plays a significant role in their lifespan. I have a pond at home which I use as a source of relaxation. Exercising fish rearing at the pond has provided me with deep insights concerning the different types of fish thereby putting me in a position to differentiate types of fish like the Koi and Goldfish. There are similarities between the Koi and Goldfish which makes it quite difficult for some people to distinguish between the two. The first similarity is that, they both belong to the carp or Cyprinidae family of fish. They are also both omnivores. They have proneness of eating pond plants, algae and worms from their surrounding environment. In both types of fish, diet plays a significant role in the way they become brightly colored as adults (Wang et al., 2018). There are some Goldfish which have similar patterns to the Koi for example the Shubunkin goldfish is black, orange and white and the Sarassa goldfish is white and red. Both of these patterns in color are common on Koi which are more decorative. The Koi and Goldfish also have a couple of differences. The Koi are bred for their scalation, colors and patterns. Black, yellow, blue, white and cream are the most common colors. The Koi revert to their natural gray color after some generations if they are released in the world since they are less than 300 years in their selective breeding (“Differences Between Koi and Goldfish…,” 2011). The Goldfish on the other hand are initially bred. The Koi are large and have barbels close to their mouths, a feature that is not present in Goldfish. Goldfish are smaller in size and come in various forms while the Koi have the same tail and body shape. The bodies of Goldfish can be egg-shaped, round or elongated. They also have fancy features like several forms of tails including fantails while the Koi lack these features with a limitation to coloration and scales or no scales. As aforementioned, they environment of the Koi and Goldfish plays a significant role in the lifespan of these animals. Their diet contributes to their well-being since poor feeding can lead to death. The shapes of their bodies can change as a result of crossbreeding. This can l...
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