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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Cryptosporidium Outbreak in Milwaukee (Essay Sample)

This is a discussion about cryptosporidium, how it develops, and its microbe. Cryptosporidium has the adaptability of living in an intestine; the cryptosporidium species called Cryptosporidium parvum has a significant effect of threatening human infection. Cryptosporidium is a type of protozoan which is a slightly complex organism more than a bacterium or virus. Cryptosporidium has become public concern because it affects children and individuals with HIV infection by causing high morbidity and mortality diarrhea (Gerace,2019). In most endemic areas, the symptomatic infections are usually in children and immune-compromised adults. How does cryptosporidium develop Cryptosporidium develops when a person ingests protozoan oocysts released by infected human beings or animals into the feces. The oocysts are broken down into four sporozoites in the gastrointestinal tract. One of the sporozoites invades the mucosa to develop an automatic endogenous infection cycle. Inside the apical part of the cell, trophozoite remain, and trophozoite undergo division asexually to create merozoites. Type 2 meronts are made from the merozoites released from type 1, which invade adjacent cell hosts. Type 2 meronts do not undergo recycling but form sexual stages by entering host cells. Type 2 meronts form merozoites that differentiate in sexual reproduction that is microgametes (male) and macrogametes (female). Zygote emerges after fertilization to form resistant thickened wall oocysts, which are excreted in the host's fecal material. During autoinfection, some oocysts might be thin-walled and exocyst within the same host. Microbe of Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium has raised the alarm due to its parasite in the drinking water. The common species that affects mammals is Cryptosporidium parvum which causes gastrointestinal illness. For persons with a healthy immune system, the disease can make them have watery diarrhea for several weeks, those whose immune systems are compromised, the pathogen might be prolonged, making their lives to be threatened. As per the research, there is no appropriate cure for the illness, although some antibiotics can help curb the immediate symptoms. source..
Cryptosporidium Student name Institution affiliation Instructor name Course Date Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium has the adaptability of living in an intestine; the cryptosporidium species called Cryptosporidium parvum has a significant effect of threatening human infection. Cryptosporidium is a type of protozoan which is a slightly complex organism more than a bacterium or virus. Cryptosporidium has become public concern because it affects children and individuals with HIV infection by causing high morbidity and mortality diarrhea (Gerace,2019). In most endemic areas, the symptomatic infections are usually in children and immune-compromised adults.                                                          How does cryptosporidium develop Cryptosporidium develops when a person ingests protozoan oocysts released by infected human beings or animals into the feces. The oocysts are broken down into four sporozoites in the gastrointestinal tract. One of the sporozoites invades the mucosa to develop an automatic endogenous infection cycle. Inside the apical part of the cell, trophozoite remain, and trophozoite undergo division asexually to create merozoites. Type 2 meronts are made from the merozoites released from type 1, which invade adjacent cell hosts. Type 2 meronts do not undergo recycling but form sexual stages by entering host cells. Type 2 meronts form merozoites that differentiate in sexual reproduction that is microgametes (male) and macrogametes (female). Zygote emerges after fertilization to form resistant thickened wall oocysts, which are excreted in the host's fecal material. During autoinfection, some oocysts might be thin-walled and exocyst within the same host.                                                                               Microbe of Cry...
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