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new liberal arts (Essay Sample)

This task involves responding to Sanford J. Ungar's article, *The New Liberal Arts*, by critically evaluating his position on the importance of liberal arts education. Specifically, the task requires the student to address the question, "What skills are most important for students to learn in college?" The student must take a clear position, either agreeing or disagreeing with Ungar's argument, and support their thesis by focusing on different skills such as innovation, critical thinking, or communication.The sample provided disagrees with Ungar's argument by suggesting that learning liberal arts is irrelevant for college students. It focuses on the need for students to develop practical, marketable skills like innovation and critical thinking, rather than liberal arts education, which is considered by the sample to be ineffective in preparing students for the modern job market. source..
Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Date The New Liberal Arts Ungar defines liberal art as a luxurious degree that most families are unable to afford. As people are struggling to pay for quality education, they can also use shortcuts to acquire jobs. The education taught in most higher institutions only prepares the graduates for a job that does not exist. Many companies and organizations want individuals who can write and communicate orally. Studying liberal art is particularly irrelevant for college students, they should at least focus on something marketable and practical. Therefore, I can't entirely agree with the learning of liberal arts in higher education level. This paper will discuss the most important skills college students can learn in college. College learners should develop innovative skills. According to Ungar, students’ who have a little knowledge concerning a certain field are at a better place in the college. However, having new ideas and some approaches is the most innovative (Ungar 2). Therefore, somebody can have liberal art knowledge but still cannot carry important tasks such as being innovative. Another skill that students should learn in college is critical and creative thinking. American has one of the poorest education systems, which involves teaching liberal arts. Countries like China are ahead of America in terms of scientific filed and economies (Ungar 3). American high education is becoming more expensive, and lea...
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