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Week 7. Reading response essay. Education Assignment. (Essay Sample)


Describe two learning opportunities that you might create for children to explore geometry and spatial sense as discussed by Clements and how those opportunities support that math learning. One of these opportunities should include children’s literature.
Wickstrom et al’s reading focuses on measurement of area of a garden and connects well with science. Describe another way to bring measurement—length, capacity, volume, mass, time, angles—across the curriculum.
The McGarvey reading considers patterns and related realized misconceptions about what is (and what is not) a pattern. What is (and what is not) inquiry in mathematics? Draw on Embrey & Murray and Legnard& Austin as examples (or perhaps non examples) of inquiry and inquiry-based learning in mathematics.


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Reading Response
Week 7
The use of children’s literature presents a myriad of benefits for the learners of geometry. Literature enhances learners’ communication by facilitating the sharing of ideas and vital interactions (Clements, 1999). Through children’s literature, the teacher is able to introduce basic mathematics vocabulary to the learners by paying attention to the utterances of the learners and encouraging discourse concerning picture-filled literature.
Secondly, children’s literature acts as cognitive aids for the children and promotes a connection between images and words. According to Clements (1999), image-filled literature enables children to discern a comprehensive representation of geometrical shapes. Further, literature enhances the ability of learners to connect mathematical knowledge with their out-of-school experiences, hence enriching the learning process. Thus, the learner’s interest in mathematics is enhanced.

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