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Lack of Education is the Root Cause of Poverty in the United States (Essay Sample)


It was an argumentative essay that sought to establish that a lack of education was one of the main contributors of poverty in the united states


Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Like a tree that has uncountable roots, poverty in the US can be attributed to a myriad of causes with one salient factor being education. Education being part of the root causes of poverty could not be regarded as an outlandish assertion since it is often referred to as the great equalizer as it can open doors to jobs, resources and skills. The nexus between economic outcomes and education in the US cannot be rubbished since uneducated citizens in the real world will have difficulty in applying themselves to activities that will ameliorate their status. Notably, families in the US living below the poverty line are at a higher risk of having subsequent generations continue with the same vicious cycle of poverty. This argumentative paper will seek to establish that poverty can be eliminated under a series of rigorous educational programs since poverty itself signifies the existence of educational inequalities.
The proper utilization of education provides individuals with the knowhow of managing their economic activities more effectively hence avoid poverty through financial literacy. Education is a vital tool that aids individuals in their economic endeavours by enabling them to monitor and make conscious decisions about their financials. For instance, farmers who lack knowledge about managing their finances will continue living in an endless cycle of poverty. The speaker in the TED talk emphasizes that acquiring essential knowledge could go a long way into turning the financial status of a person currently languishing in poverty. Notably, education is vital in escaping chronic poverty and the consequent transmission of poverty between generations. The speaker in the TED talk advances a compelling argument that asserts that to rip the benefits of education it needs to be wholesome hence ensuring individuals break the poverty cycle in the long run (Bregman, 2017. Financially illiterate households and those that exhibit lower cognitive abilities are found to experience challenges in managing their daily expenditures; therefore, poverty-stricken (Media, Askar, Ouattara, & Zhang, 2020). Hence, education offered in a holistic sense will go a long way in imparting financial knowledge, therefore reducing the chances of individuals langui

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