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Solar Technology (Essay Sample)

instructions for the task Introduction: Explore the evolution of solar technology, focusing on recent trends in solar energy usage worldwide. Highlight the significant increase in solar power production since 2018, indicating a shift towards renewable energy sources. Body: Integrated Photovoltaics: Examine the incorporation of solar panels into architectural designs, particularly the use of transparent photovoltaic cells in canopies and terraces. Emphasize how this innovative approach maintains the aesthetic appeal of buildings while generating effective and unnoticed energy. Floating Photovoltaic Solar Panels: Discuss the utilization of water bodies for solar energy production, citing the enhanced cooling efficiency and water resource conservation. Trace the origin of floating solar panels in Japan (2007) and their subsequent global adoption. Thin-Film Solar Panels: Explore the efficiency benefits of layering solar panels, acknowledging cost limitations for commercial use. Introduce the solution of thin and light solar fabric, emphasizing its flexibility and applicability to dome structures. Solar Lighting: Examine the transformative impact of solar-powered LEDs on street lighting in urban areas. Highlight the off-grid functionality and economic savings associated with this technology. Conclusion: Summarize the essay by emphasizing solar energy's potential as a sustainable power source, supported by recent innovations. Connect the current trend of transitioning from non-renewable to renewable energy sources as evidence of solar energy's promising future. References: Cite relevant sources source..
Solar Technology Student’ name Institution Affiliation Course Instructor Due date Introduction In the past few years, there has been an increase in the use of solar energy worldwide. As recently as 2018, there has been a significant increase in the quantity of power harnessed from solar energy (Stokkermans, 2020). Nevertheless, the production rate of solar energy will likely go high based on the current trend in the shift of power use from non-renewable to renewable energy, of which solar forms a more significant percentage. Let us now narrow down to the latest solar technologies in the year 2021; Building of integrated photovoltaics In recent times, the architectural design of houses has favored installing solar panels. Customized solar panels have been fitted to functional buildings without altering the image of such buildings. These include canopies and terraces (Aqachmar, 2021). Nevertheless, most of these are photovoltaics. They are made from transparent photovoltaic cells. The glass is hardened and allows light with effective and unrecognized energy production. Floating photovoltaic solar panels Water bodies have a vast surface area that can be used to produce solar energy. Photovoltaic cells have the advantage of producing much energy without inconveniencing the surroundings. Floating solar panels were first used in Japan in 2007. The floating version of solar panels has also increased the cooling efficiency by a more significant percentage. This also boosts the conservation of water resources, thus reducing the maintenance costs. Thin-film solar panels According to research, it is said that solar panels function more efficiently when they are in layers of up to four (Motevali, 2019). This is because these layers allow them to harness more energy from the sun. However, such cells are too expensive to be used in a commercial setup. Therefore, the only solution to curb this is the invention of thin and light solar fabric, which has more advantages than a standard photovoltaic cell. The solar fabric has more advantages over the standard PVs because it is flexible and can be used on dome structures. Solar lighting Solar-powered LEDs are now transforming most streets in big towns. Such lighting has a beneficial aspect of working off-grid. There has been a noticeable saving in expenditure since the invention of solar-powered LEDs, which has boosted...
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