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English For Oral Communication, Skills Course, Program (Essay Sample)


English for oral communication

          FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND LANGUAGE (FEL)    JAN 2017 SEMESTER     OUMH1303   ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION                        MATRICULATION NO.       :        920629125380001 IDENTITY CARD NO.          :        920629-12-5380 TELEPHONE NO.                  :      016-8396253 E-MAIL                                    : LEARNING CENTRE           :      Sabah Learning Centre                                                                                                                            
  • Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer.
  • Prepare your assignment answer following the layout of the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA shown in the RUBRICS provided for the course. Where RUBRICS are not provided, follow the instructions/guidelines specified by the Faculty for the assignment concerned.
  • Your assignment should be between 2000 to 2500 words EXCLUDING references.
  • Type your answer using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Show the number of words at the end of your assignment.
  • Tables and figures where provided, should be appropriately titled.  
  • List your references separately in the APPENDIX page.
                                      “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self”, a beautiful quote from Ernest Hemingway. My name is Rabecca and I have joined this organization as your training manager. I have been told that you are a responsible, self-initiative and result-oriented team, and my job is to inform you about the various self-development programs that are available at our organization. If you are under the impression you have already perfected yourself, you will never rise to the heights you are no doubt capable of. Hence, in terms of gaining practical and technical knowledge as well as contributing towards the furtherance and improvement of our organization, it is important for you to constantly strive towards improving yourselves.   First off, for employees who want to polish up their interpersonal/communication skills, the organization is providing a one-day course/program, “What to Say and How to Say it”. This interpersonal communication skills course/program is designed to provide employees with a thorough overview of the communication process as well as to suggest actions for improving listening skills. You will be offered language to position controversial information as well as being taught to create clear and courteous email messages.   Interpersonal skills have always been vital to professional success as without communication skills, you will not be able to progress in your career and your career may have stalled or fallen apart because of it. Some people may have been born with this gift, but most have practiced and learnt from mistakes. For those who want to hone their social skills and enhance their ability to work with others, this interpersonal communication program is the one for you.   During the study of the course, you should be able to understand how preconception and limited perceptions interfere with communication, rephrase blunt phrases to prevent offensiveness, demonstrate ability to create clear yet courteous email messages, along with other basic understanding of what communication really is. The course also explains why communication skills are essential to professional success and develop an action plan for you to improve your communication skills. Other communication terms such as methods for communication or nonverbal communication will be defined to give the participants more knowledge and understanding of the benefits of communication skills.     By the end of the course, participants will be able to understand how to fully utilise their newfound communication strengths, effectively use communication skills to convey, learn to accommodate their weakness in communication, and handle difficult people in workplace or when dealing with customers. For instance, after completing the course, you can now find yourself in group situations, professionally and socially. Negotiating with others become easier and you are paving your way to mutual respect and trust among colleagues, in the process of making lasting interpersonal relationships. These communication skills come with conflict resolution and mediation skills that can help you in solving conflicts or problems and making important decisions.   Besides this interpersonal communication skill course/program, our organization also provides a full-day workshop, “Fit for Success”, which focuses on performance management training among employees. Participants of this training course will be able to build the competence and confidence to effectively manage staff performance within the workplace by the end of the workshop training. Identification of leadership behaviours that will nurture a high performance culture as well as management approaches for under-performance is included into the content for this workshop training. Our facilitators will work with program participants to analyse, observe and practise the delivery of effective performance feedback. Participants are given the opportunities to practise newly acquired skills during the course and subsequently, building their confidence and embedding learning in the process.   Topics addressed in the workshop training include effective feedback techniques, appropriate any resolution activities, finding out the causes of any performance issues faced, setting up goals and expectations, learning about the components of performance management as well as legal considerations and procedural fairness in handling problems/issues.   By the end of this workshop, the participants who include managers, team leaders and supervisors will be able to understand the definition of effective performance management and the importance of effective performance management in the modern workplace. Besides that, through effective application of expectation setting, evaluation, empowerment, effective feedback as well as the reward and punishment method, participants can learn about the link between leadership behaviour and performance along with how to create a high performance culture within the workplace or organization. Participants are able to take on techniques to conduct effective everyday conversations and give feedback to employees in consistent with the expectations of workplace law. During the period of the workshop training, participants will learn to maintain consistency between all elements of the performance management process as well as the importance of equality and precision when managing performance in workplace. Lastly, participants will be able to learn about relevant processes in managing poor performance dependent on our organizational procedures.   For example, after completing this workshop, supervisors would be able to consistently provide feedback to employees after completing this workshop. They should be able to give positive feedback instead of letting emotions and bias getting in the way of fair judgement. Positive feedback in the form of praise and compliments can boost employees’ morale and their confidence in doing their tasks. If an employee is displaying poor performance at work, pointing out the problem to the employee is not going to solve the issue. The supervisor should work with her to come up with a solution for correcting the issue. All of this can be learnt through the workshop training.   In addition to the self-development programs li...
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