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Personal Experience And Identification Of Fallacies In Our Daily Lives (Essay Sample)


Most people believe that an argument happens when individuals get together, raise their voices, avoid contact and call each other names. Critically thinking, this isn’t an argument, but altercation. An argument is something that can be viewed from a logical or philosophical context (Van Eemeren & Grootendorst, 2016). Therefore, an argument is a set of opinions or statement that one uses to convince others that their views are correct. However, a fallacy is merely a faulty argument that often results in disagreements. Today, the news media is flooded with opinions, facts, and information. False and illogical reasoning lead to difficulties especially when individuals differ in their culture, religion, race age group since everyone has a unique worldview (Van Eemeren, Jackson & Jacobs, 2015).

                Identification of fallacies Name of the student Institution affiliations Supervisor       Most people believe that an argument happens when individuals get together, raise their voices, avoid contact and call each other names. Critically thinking, this isn’t an argument, but altercation. An argument is something that can be viewed from a logical or philosophical context (Van Eemeren & Grootendorst, 2016). Therefore, an argument is a set of opinions or statement that one uses to convince others that their views are correct. However, a fallacy is merely a faulty argument that often results in disagreements. Today, the news media is flooded with opinions, facts, and information. False and illogical reasoning lead to difficulties especially when individuals differ in their culture, religion, race age group since everyone has a unique worldview (Van Eemeren, Jackson & Jacobs, 2015). Whether on a professional or personal level, everyone experiences fallacies in their daily activities (Van Eemeren & Grootendorst, 2016). Individuals are surrounded by their own beliefs which are always fallacies. Knowing how to identify or spot fallacies is an essential skill. It saves time, funds and personal dignity. Personally, I grew up in a society full of various types of fallacies. People liked arguing about religion especially the existence of Illuminati. Personally, I argued out that although I had no evidence of the existence of Illuminati, the believers must be so intelligent that they destroyed all the evidence. This indicated that I did not have sufficient knowledge of the argument. Therefore, ignorance isn’t a proof to claim any knowledge. Anytime one uses inexperience as a major premise to support an argument; it is prone to be a fallacious appeal to obliviousness. Naturally, all humans are ignorant in various ways, but it is cheap and manipulative to allow the unfortunate aspect of human life to contribute most of the strong points in an argument. Arguments based on ignorance often lead to multiple contradictory conclusion (Van Eemeren, Jackson & Jacobs, 2015). Reviewing my previous statement, fallacies are both at professional and personal level. After completing my high school education, I got a part-time job at a local motor shop. The manager argued that the firm cannot sell their products online because it is prone to hacking. I disagreed with the manager, but since I was just a junior worker, he under-estimated my opinion. Although it is true that hackers have various ways of accessing online accounts to steal funds, it shouldn’t be a reason to avoid diversifying your business through online transaction.  Also, preventing online sales isn’t enough proof that the firm will never incur any form of fraud. This is a fallacy of the single cause since when online crimes happen, th...
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