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Many Students Choose To Attend Schools In Outside Countries (Essay Sample)


Many Students choose to Attend Schools or Universities outside Their Home Countries. Why do Some Students Study Abroad?
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Have you ever in your life thought on how it would be if you studied abroad? This idea at some point has passed in many peoples mind. Studying in universities outside the home countries has many advantages than studying in your home country. These advantages can be more useful for those students who live in countries which are developing. Those lectures from universities of developed countries have more advanced knowledge which is up to date knowledge. Those students who are seeking for more advanced knowledge in their academic career tend to travel to study abroad.
In developing countries you will find that they do not have the necessary facilities to help in research and development. For example the laboratory for scientists to conduct their research or investigations which are carried out by engineers. This makes students to travel abroad to where they will find high developed laboratories to enable them to continue with their research and development.
When students travel abroad to study in foreign universities they acquire more knowledge and background information which helps them in their future career. When these students who studied in foreign countries returns in their home countries, they have advanced knowledge which enables them to get jobs that fit their career immediately.
In conclusion, many students are travelling abroad in order to gain more knowledge to advance in their career. In developed countries they are able to get laboratories which are more advanced to enables them continue with research and ...
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