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Importance of Research to Social Work Career Development Essay (Essay Sample)


Importance of Research to Social Work Career Development


Importance of Research
[Student’s Name]
D2: Importance of research for their own continuing professional development
Social Work Professional Development
Research is basically a foundation of building upon a model from practice. A research approach entails an orderly summation of the methodology, field work, and practice experience. Researches are significant process for the continuing development of a career (Boud & Hager, 2012). In my case, I find social work profession with an entirely different meaning than I thought when I was enrolling the course. Since then, I realized that individual choosing to pursue the social work career, should be aware of their roles and responsibilities, to benefit the potential clients and maintain their social work licences. Since enrolling for social work profession, my intuition on the role and responsibilities of the profession changed gradually. At the moment, I strongly believe that I can change the world working with the people as a social worker. In this regard, Teater (2017) claims that research in the social work field motivate and promote the continuing development of the social work career. It is evident that research plays a pivotal role to the professional development of learning. Research entails practical approach of the theory, which is essential for continuing development social workers.

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