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The Main Cause Of Employee Job Hopping In The Current Millennium (Essay Sample)


A - page essay on the topic millennial

Why Millennials are Job-Hopping Azat Muhammedov Monroe College Introduction Employee retention is a determinant factor of an organization’s successful operations in the market place CITATION Har17 \l 1033 (Lloyd, 2017). Managers focus on retaining their employees especially those who have worked with the organization for more than six months. A period of six months is the average time for an employee to understand the setting of a company. There are more talented and experienced employees who have spent more years with the organization and thus managers cannot risk losing such employees. However, employee retention and loyalty is based on their satisfaction. Thus, employee satisfaction is important as is customer satisfaction. Failure to achieve employee satisfaction result in employees hopping to new jobs that they consider better. On the other, technological advancements provide opportunities for employees to interact with new technologies. Employees acquire new technological skills through perhaps being educated on the new technologies that will be used in their respective firms. This implies that there are possibilities that employees may job-hop from organizations that operate based on “outdated” technologies since they provide little or no learning experiences in the new technology. This case study will focus to determine the main cause of employee job hopping in the current millennium, is it due to job dissatisfaction or their love for technology? Job Hopping due to Dissatisfaction As earlier stated, employee satisfaction is a determinant factor of an organization’s success. High levels of employee satisfaction lead to high employee retention rate high loyalty levels. It also gives opportunities to employees to develop their professional talents and gain more skills in their respective fields of profession. Reasons that may cause employee dissatisfaction at the working place are: * Inadequate salary * Education levels * Employee benefits * Employee goals and objectives * Desire to learn new skills As the saying goes, employees look for greener pastures. This implies that they prefer better paying jobs even if it means quitting from their current working places CITATION Lan17 \l 1033 (Landrum, 2017). This is understandable because employees’ salary is always in question during job interviews. Employers need to know if they can recruit employees based on their salary expectations and on the other hand employees expect that they will be adequately compensated for their services. When employees are dissatisfied by their salary levels in comparison to the services they offer, they are more likely going to leave the job for the next immediate job opportunity in a new organization that is better paying. Previous statistics show that more educated employees have a higher likelihood of job-hopping than lesser educated employees. In one of these studies, it was concluded that 46% and 34% millennial’s men and women respectively had at least bachelor’s degree compared to 31% and 34% men and women from the previous generation, Gen X CITATION Lan17 \l 1033 (Landrum, 2017). Further, Landrum (2017) states that 70% of the employees with higher education levels would retain their jobs compared to 72% of the lesser educated employees. This implies that more educated employees will job-hop at a higher rate than lesser educated employees. Employee benefits are a form of retaining employees. Based on the salary and education levels, employees may be dissatisfied but stick with the job due to benefits provided such as health insurance covers, pension upon retirement, and allowances such as housing and travelling allowances among others CITATION Lan17 \l 1033 (Landrum, 2017). This is indeed an organization’s strategy to retain employees. Therefore, these benefits will meet some level of employee satisfaction. Organizations without these job benefits are most likely going to lose employees to organizations offering such benefits. Employees have personal goals and objectives that they aspire to achieve during their working period CITATION Job18 \l 1033 (Backman, 2018). If their places of work do not offer them with opportunities and the necessary support that will aid them in realizing their goals and objectives then they will certainly leave the current jobs for new jobs that will otherwise meet their goals and objectives expectations. Although employees work for the success of their respective organizations, they also expect to grow during their working tenure. This growth in terms of sponsored seminars and classes helps them hone their skills such that they may apply these and become distinguished employees. There are those who would love organizational and public recognition based on their unique professional abilities. Therefore, when such employees find their current working organizations unworthy to help them meet their personal goals and objectives they opt to try new working environments that would provide the best working environmental conditions in meeting their professional goals and objectives. Millennials have a tendency of trying out different jobs with an aim of learning new skills CITATION Ash18 \l 1033 (Ashby, 2018). The Gen X employees were characterized by working in the same organization for years. However, this is not the case for the millennials. Although in different organizations employees may have similar job title the responsibilities and skills that are required in meeting the expected accomplishments are different. Thus, job hopping helps employees learn new skills as it also involves working in new and different cultures CITATION Ash18 \l 1033 (Ashby, 2018). This helps them acquire new experiences and unique capabilities in advancing their future careers. The above described reasons are the major causes why millennials job-hop. They no longer value employee loyalty unless their expectations are met. Job Hopping due to Love of Technology Millennials are working in an era dominated by technological advancements CITATION Coh18 \l 1033 (Cohen Fowler, Medenica & Rogowski, 2018). In fact, most of the current activities in organizations are technology based as opposed to the era of Gen X. Organizations that incorporate technology in their operations make them more effective and efficient. Since millennials have interacted with technology throughout their study years up to the time of their employment, they have learnt to appreciate its use raging from individual activities to organizational activities. Thus they will prefer to work in organizations that have incorporated modern technology in its operations. As a result of their comfort and fluency in using technology, millennials view technology as a means of impacting lives and the society as well as the economy in a positive manner CITATION nie14 \l 1033 (, 2014). They believe that the use of technology in the organization wi...
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