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Journal Article Objective Summary and Response (Essay Sample)


Writing a summary about an article.


Journal Article Objective Summary and Response
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Journal Article Objective Summary and Response
The assigned reading is written by Hamid Moghaddasi, Abbas Shiekhtaheri and Azamossadat. The article is titled a New Model for the Organizational Structure of Medical Record Departments in Hospitals in Iran CITATION Mog06 \l 1033 (Moghaddasi, Hosseini, & Sheikhtaheri, 2006). The article is written to address the traditional data and information recording methodologies and tools in Iran hospitals. Through the use of a Delphi technique, the authors create a new model to address this problem. This model consist of four dimensions which surrounds creation of an effective information and data management division, department or units. More so, there is a need to define tasks and specifications for each of the units.
Through situation and literature analysis, the authors identify the weak points in the Irans’s hospital information management systems. The firm recommendation is creating a division for managing health care data and information. The essence of the division is to consolidate and integrate information through three departments. The second is creating standardized specifications for department managing information. Thirdly, the roles and responsibilities for each department or unit should be clearly defined. In comparison to the current disorganized and unstructured model in Iran, the new model is expected to introduce order, efficiency and effectiveness in storing, retrieving and using health care information. It will facilitate issuance of quality care due to access to health informatics necessary for making informed decisions. More importantly, the new developments will make Iran comparable to modern countries which uses information technology to offer varied functionalities in health care.
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