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Past And Present Events: How Human Memories Affect Person's Well-being (Essay Sample)
The task was to discuss whether past events affect the present of a person. No preferred style. 500 words. No exact number of sources.
The Past Affects the Present
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The Past Affects the Present
People face various irritants shaping their behavior. When considering this idea among children and linking it to the grown-up conduct, the mentioned question becomes even more vivid. The first emotional contact with a figure who a child is attached to leaves unexpressed feelings, which an adult person may turn to in the future, copying the earlier behavior in a new way. Therefore, the events a child faced in the past affect the present because adults try to compensate for their experience in the case similar stimuli appear in their life.
When considering how human memories affect a person’s well-being, it is useful to look at the notion of psychological attachment. According to Davis (2015), behind the notion of attachment lies an idea that a human being naturally possesses a wish to maintain positive relationships with the first caretaker, also known as an “attachment figure” (para. 3). The mentioned figure provides a person with an ideal state to which they would like to return in case of some negative experiences (Davis, 2015). Furthermore, connections may be safe and unsafe (Davis, 2015). Accordingly, if a caregiver serves as a good example for an infant, the latter one grows up as an independent adult person, which is absent if an unhealthy parent takes care of the child (Davis, 2015). Therefore, one should address the idea of psychological attachment to understand the possible outcomes in the form of human behavior.
Based on the definition of attachment, it is necessary to provide an example of its impact on people’s actions. As Davis (2015) states, since infants do not have an ability to express their thoughts verbally, they have to demonstrate it emotionally and with the help of body language. Moreover, Davis notes, verbal and non-verbal stimuli are saved in different parts of the human brain, and a human being may recall unexpressed childish emotions in the adult life (Davis, 2015) As an example, Davis (2015) illustrated the mentioned situation with a child left alone by a parent and the possible fear he or she felt at that time; though a person may be unable to explain those feelings verbally, it does not indicate they do not exist. Furthermore, adult individuals may face similar emotions when...
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