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Should students study abroad? (Essay Sample)
Should students study abroad?
Why Students Study Abroad
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Why Students Choose to Study Abroad
Some students choose to study abroad owing to numerous apparent reasons. This essay discusses the main factors considered by students prior to resolving to study overseas. The most significant reasons for deciding to study outside one’s country are to find better career opportunities, improve one’s language skills and gain new life experiences. However, people have varied motives and inspirations and as such, the reasons for college students opting for education abroad are very numerous to be captured and explicated in a single writing.
The vast majority of college students studying outside their countries are mainly motivated by better employment opportunities abroad. This is quite common among students from weak economies who relocate to industrialized countries for higher education. Job opportunities abound more in developed economies due to a wide variety of skills needed. This need for skilled labor motivates college students to apply for enrolment in learning institutions abroad (Dwayne, 2017).
A further reason for some students making the decision to study abroad is to improve their second language skills. The need to achieve communicative proficiency in a foreign language, especially for linguistics students, accounts for why they decide to study in foreign countries. Such is common with students whose career paths require excellent bilingual proficiency (John, 2017). The need to perfect their language skills motivates them to apply for studies abroad.
The final of the main reasons for some students opting to study abroad is to experience new cultures. This enriches one’s interpersonal skills among people from diverse originalities. Further, it enhances an individual’s appreciation of other people’s cultures and ways of life. They learn to adjust and thrive in different cultural atmospheres (Nelson, 2016). The main motivation of the students is to understand and appreciate new cu...
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