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The effect of father on children's development Education Essay (Essay Sample)


An essay; the role fathers play in the early development of their children


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Define the effect of fathers on children’s development
The role of fathers in their children’s development has increased in the recent decade. Recent studies into the issue show the increasing roles that fathers are expected to play for the optimal development of their children (Yogman et al. 1). While divorces and parents’ separation continue to directly affect the contact the fathers may have with their children, the studies show that regardless of whether the parents are living together or not, fathers can still contribute positively towards the growth of their children (Yogman et al. 1). In this short essay, the effect the fathers have on their children’s development will form the focus of the discussion.
In the past, mothers were often left to nurture young children alone. However, these habits have been shown to have a negative effect on the growth of the children. According to Yogman et al., a lack of a father figure affects children, especially boys, later in life (1). The girl child is also affected because of the skewed parental guidance they receive from their mothers’ perspectives. The presence of a male parent ensures that the children receive both parents love and care, as well as both female and male lessons that only both parents can provide.

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