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Vegeterian Literature & Language Essay Research Paper (Essay Sample)


write an essay about life as as a vegetarian. The sample is a description of a vegetarian and a comparison to a non vegetarian life.


Life as a Vegetarian
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Life as a Vegetarian
Life as a vegetarian is one of the significant measures of lifestyle that any individual can embrace in today’s societies. For some, medical conditions force them to become vegetarians but for many it is a choice they make. There have been different views as well as several questions which have emerged on whether being a vegetarian is a healthier way of life with a number of people claiming that being a vegetarian is not always healthy. Life as a vegan has numerous health benefits that include, lower cholesterol, reduced heart disease risk, high energy and even a longer lifespan.
Research has proven that this way of life leads to vegans having a lower blood pressure as compared to meat lovers. As argued by Rajaram and Sabaté (2000), a vegans diet consist of high levels of potassium, which plays a huge role in regulation of blood pressure therefore creating an anti-hypersensitive factor. Life as a vegetarian involves consumption of more fiber and low level of cholesterol, this therefore puts a vegan at a lower risk of contracting diseases such diabetes and obesity which are often caused by excess amounts of cholesterol in the human body.

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