Alternative Healing Practice. Acupuncture. Health, Medicine Essay (Essay Sample)
the sample is about use of acupuncture as an alternative medicine in managing pain.
Alternative Healing Practice
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Acupuncture is a significant alternative treatment technique that involves inserting needles into the patient’s body. The model of treatment is effective in alleviating pain and other health conditions. The treatment technique was first started in china and has been tested and accepted in the western countries. Acupuncture is seen as the best way of treating chronic pain as opposed to the modern ways of using medications. Pain is one of the most overwhelming challenges that humans experience and which demoralizes a person to the core. At other times the modern drugs do not work in alleviating chronic pain leaving patients in dire agony. Thus, the use of acupuncture is an alternative way of reducing pain using a method that has no side effects on the body.
Acupuncture has an excellent history and one that is traced to traditional Chinese treatment. The model was initially made in ancient China over 3,000 years ago. At the start, the practice was purely seen as only useful in china, but today, the method has been widely accepted (Delgado, 2015). Throughout history, the use of acupuncture has been controversial as religious, political, and cultural pressures have attempted to oppose the practice. For instance, at the end of the 19th century, a lot of pressure from the political realms throated to halt the usage of acupuncture.
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