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Negative effects of sitting for long hours working at a computer. (Essay Sample)


a research to identify the latest findings on the effects of sitting for long hours working on a computer, later , make recommendations.


Negative effects of sitting for long hours working at a computer
Computers, computer peripherals, and other related technologies have taken a larger part of our time in our daily lives. To greater heights, computer discovery has revolutionized many office workers and their performance at their workstations. Bankers, Engineers, Accountants, Architects, Journalists, Academicians, and Flight movers work with the aid of a computer. Current research indicates that technology is associated with various health-related complications, this study is conducted to purposely compare and identify various physiological and individual behavioral reactions to workload brought about by workload demands and stressors, associated with long computer working hours. It is evident that musculoskeletal signs increase with longer hours of computer work and there are high chances of exposure to psychosocial stressors i.e. unrealistic deadlines and high workloads. Individual behavior towards the above-mentioned work demands is also a contributing factor associated with musculoskeletal signs and symptoms in computer operators.
Problem definition
The use of computers in today’s society is a common tool that will be found in recreational facilities, offices, higher learning institutions, and homes. It is globally estimated that a good number ranging from 43-75 million people will spend a couple of hours operating a screen display monitor, popularly known as the computer display unit (Shan et al, 2015). It is evident that in developed countries, eye problems with symptoms such as Computer vision syndrome impairment in both adults and children are contributed by long working hours at a computer monitor. A literature review on this report on CVS was conducted to weigh the prevalence of studies and that of CVS. Health complications associated with long hours staring at a computer screen include eye fatigue, long or short sighted complications, dry eyes, headache and other symptoms of eye strain. 

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