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APEA Test and Evaluation Plan Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


Directions: Create an APA formatted paper For the Pre and Posttest Evaluation plan, please detail the following in an essay format and include all of the following:
1. Time to take the test: Explain the experience of taking the assessment test; how long did it take, did you have enough time, what were the questions like.
2. What did you learn from the experience of taking the assessment?
3. Evaluation of lowest areas: which were the lowest areas on your assessment. Identify the areas below the 70% score. These are the areas that are priority study areas for you. Next, look at the domains of the test, which is your lowest, why do you think you scored as you did? What do you need to do to raise your scores?
5. Evaluation of the highest areas: which were the highest areas on your assessment. Identify the areas above the 70% score. These are the areas that you are strongest in. Next, look at the domains of the test, which is your highest, why do you think you scored as you did?
8. Develop a plan of study, using course materials.


APEA Evaluation and Test Plan
Author Name
Author Note
APEA Evaluation and Test Plan
Time to Take the Test
My experience while taking the APEA test was exceptional as the team leading the process was friendly, welcoming, and highly competent and the content of the test was relevant and well-organized. The test was engaging and thorough because it covered a vast range of topics including neurology, pediatrics, and endocrine system and domains such as diagnosis and assessment. I liked the test because it motivates a person to pursue the certification exam in addition to preparing one for the final test. Overall, I can attest that taking the test was a good learning experience.
The test took three hours to complete 150 questions provided and this provided me with 50 seconds to answer every question. I must admit that the speed was overwhelming, but it helped me to measure my capability of answering the questions at a high speed. Although I managed to complete 148 out of 150 questions, I am confident that three hours was adequate time to complete the questions considering that they were multiple choice questions. I believe that comprehensive reading can prepare a person adequately and help them complete the test in advance. The questions cover different areas that enhanced my clinical and classroom knowledge.

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