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Cancer And Women’s And Men’s Health Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


the essay focused on CANCER AND WOMEN’S AND MEN’S HEALTH and ways in which it can prevented or managed


CANCER AND WOMEN’S AND MEN’S HEALTH Institutional AffiliationStudent’s NameDate
In America, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in every 3 minutes and every 13 minutes there is a breast cancer linked death. People are unware of the danger unless one of their family becomes the victim of the deadly disease. There are several precautions which women may take to minimize the risk of been infected with the disease but an early detection would go a long way in saving lives. Educating oneself of the signs and symptoms is the best option and help can be taken online or talking to a health care professional. Verifications can be done to evaluate the genuineness and credibility of the online source. Awareness of the preventive techniques may result to enabling one to make wise health decisions and might help one to be cancer free CITATION Ame152 \l 1033 (American Cancer Society, 2015).
With regards to breast cancer, preventive measures are of utmost essential. Preventive measures goes a long way in minimizing the risk of breast cancer and also early detection of the disease. The common skin cancer is breast cancer and is the 2nd leading cause of cancer associated deaths among women in America. Women need to become aware of their body and any odd changes should be noticed at once and as such, self-examinations is recommended among all ages more so among women below the age of 40. In certain instances, self-examination might appear to be complicated and women need to feel free to talk to a health care professional so that they can know the best techniques of self-examination CITATION Rus10 \l 1033 (Chain Drug Review, 2010).

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