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Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders (Essay Sample)

2.5 pages double spaced apa format. It was the creation of a decision tree for Nuerological and musculoskeletal disorders through a case study. The are several decisions that are analyzed from the case study fully referenced in apa format. No use of ai and zero plagiarism. This was a nursing order that required an expert in the field and I was qualified. It was delivered promptly and following all instrtuctions. source..
Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Summaries Case Study The case study presents a 43-year-old Caucasian male that was referred to the clinic by his family doctors to have a psychiatric assessment due to a complaint of pain. 7 years ago, he fell at work and tore his right hip 75% and 4 years ago, there was persistent pain. Synonymously, he has developed several symptoms but no surgeons have recommended a hip replacement. One doctor accentuated that he be treated by a family doctor since this will help in his condition. His feet seemed to fold inward and the color returned after a few minutes. Finally, he had a prescription for hydrocodone and stopped taking them due to side effects like sleepiness and constipation. Decision 1 Selective norepinephrine and serotonin have equal effects on both neurotransmitters purposed to produce analgesic effects. CRPS patients have a low pain threshold that results from changes in the central nervous system (CNS). The client becomes more sensitive due to pain caused by incorrect neurotransmitter levels. The administering of Savella as an SNRI is often used to treat psychiatric disorders including depression, and reduces fatigue, improves memory, and eases pain. Savella is effective in treating CRPS by preventing the uptake of serotonin and epinephrine which cause pain. The prescription is administered on Day 1. The 12.5 mg BID on Days 2 and 3 will help manage neuropathic pain. The selection however causes side effects like drowsiness and the patient stated their effects. Thus, the prescription could not be provided since the client was non-compliance. Earlier, the client stopped taking hydrocodone since it made him sleepy. Decision 2 Lowering the dose to 25mg twice a day will reduce the dose and improve the health outcome. The previous picture showed he had sleep problems, high blood pressure, and symptoms of sweat. Savella was also reduced due to nausea. As seen with other SNRIs, tapering the dose is recommended when the prescribed drug causes side effects. Additionally, lowering the dose observes the presence of any side effects and decreased pain levels (Zhu et al., 2022). However, the client is advised to discuss any changes with their provider before changing the medication. The clinical trials showed that the client experienced nausea. Therefore, this selection would mean that the client has to constantly communicate with their doctor if there are any changes. Decision 3 In the first and two clinical visits, the patient had varied remarks. In the latter, the client seemed dissatisfied with the medication, while in the former, the client was happy with the Savella prescription. Thus, opting to change to Savella in the morning and at night will help the client maintain stable blood pressure and eliminate the side effects of nausea (Chan et al., 2022). Moreover, the dosage will help him manage his sleep better. In the first decision, I expected that the pain of the client would reduce, walk without assistance and continue with his daily duties. Savella is known to inhibit N-methyl-methyl-aspartake and the re-uptake than duloxetine and venlafaxine, and the selection is set to have therapeutic properties (Gwak et al., 2020). In the second decision, I expected the client to report with reduced minimal side effects and continue with the treatment without any side effects. In the third decision, I expected the client to report back that he ...
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