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Disorders Affecting the nervous system Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


Writing essay about disorders that affect the nervous system


An Assignment on Disorders
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Amblyopia Disorder
Amblyopia is a common eye disorder generally found in children. Another name commonly known for the disease stay as “Lazy Eye.” The leading cause is the failure for one eye to develop its vision like the other eye. For instance, one eye remains extra farsighted or might obtain numerous astigmatism, in contrast to the other eye. Some symptoms in connection to this disorder persist as the tendency of an infected child not able to emphasis both eyes together on a particular image; this seems to have a double view. The brain frequently overlooks the appearance from the non-aligned eye. The disorder gets Diagnosed by ensuring school-aged children get tested (Scheiman et al., 2005). More so, during testing doctors ascertain that nothing hinters light from penetrating the eye, every eye has regular movements, and the two eyes have equal visions. Nevertheless, if the condition becomes severe, treatment could be registered. A “pediatric eye doctor” deals with such problems. An eye exam gets done in six months, three years, and eventually every year to ascertain full recovery.
Figure 1: a child suffering from Amblyopia
Meniere’s disease

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